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Limpet "Opihi" Fishing! In The Pouring Rain? - Printable Version

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Limpet "Opihi" Fishing! In The Pouring Rain? - ScubaChris - 03-09-2021

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]Using This Ancient Delicacy to Catch Fish!

Most locals LOVE that aroma of freshly picked Limpet Opihi meat! Just looking at it & smelling that salty scent makes you salivate. So why would you share this expensive hard to procure treat with a fish that you plan on releasing anyway? Hmmm, good point.

Using Limpets is a bait i'm sure the Hawaiians once used. Back then everything was plentiful because their Kapu system of enforcing & regulating their resources was much akin to the American Indians. They were all connected to the land. Nowadays when a local hears the word Opihi, they start salivating because it's a mouth watering delicious treat that most would covet & not share it with others, including fish.

Turned out i was rained out this day. Still it was good sharing my "process" of shore casting. Thank you everyone for supporting my channelSmile

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)][color=var(--ytcp-link-color)][/color][Image: Opihi-Rain-Cover.jpg][/color]