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Piscataqua River - Printable Version

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Piscataqua River - reelecstasy - 05-28-2003

[font "Monotype Corsiva"][size 5]Reel Ecstasy[/size][/font]

[url ""][font "Arial"][#800080][/#800080][/font][/url]

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[font "Arial"]Fishing report May 27, 2003[/font]

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[font "Arial"]Looked like we were finally going to get a break in the weather, on Tuesday so I decided it was time to venture out. I was surprised that there was no surface activity as the sky was overcast when I got out around 10 A.M. [/font]

[font "Arial"]I spent some time casting spoons and light jigs and was rewarded with only 1 small schoolie. I decided to head to the mouth of the Piscataqua River as I had heard reports of Mackeral starting to show their presence. I did not find any fish, but only spent a short time jigging around 2KR as the fog started to roll in and I was really targeting stripers anyway. [/font]

[font "Arial"]Headed back up river, as the tide was starting to turn. [/font]

[font "Arial"]Started chunking herring as soon as the tide started to run out and was almost immediately rewarded with a nice Striper about 26”, In about 3 hours I caught and released 10 fish up to 27” and broke one off on a lobster trap that was even bigger. [/font]

[font "Arial"]Just as the fish started to turn on, the sun came out, a sight that had not been seen for a week or so. Just great, fishing on a sunny day in May. Spring as it was always supposed to be. [/font]

[font "Arial"]It only gets better from here on out. [/font]

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[font "Arial"]Good Fishing [/font]

[font "Arial"]Capt. Joel Koch[/font]

Reel Ecstasy

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Re: [reelecstasy] Piscataqua River - davetclown - 05-12-2006

Hey Captain Joel hope your spring opener is better than our past skiing season.... Man what a bust.

What do you expect to see in the waters when you start rolling again, That is hoping that the gas prices dont drive you out of the water...

Have you given the thought about putting a link on your site to this board to give your guest the opertunity to talk up thier trips here.

we also have a new photo gallery set up that your guest are wellcome to upload their photos for free. [#333366][size 1]Photo Gallery[/size][/#333366]

we also have a 16 species contest running on our Photo gallery if any one is interested on a free on line fishing contest. The fun just never ends...

good luck and hope you have a profitable season....