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Let's try this again!!! I typed it in once today and just as I went to publish it to the website the internet lost connection and I lost it all, so here we go again!!!

Yes, believe it or not the winds did let up enough to get offshore today although I was a bit paranoid to the point where we cancelled first thing but an hour later the seas were getting better so we gave it a shot.

As the day progressed we were rewarded with a beautiful day offshore with hungry fish and great fellowship from Jeff Russell, Tom Gardner,Charles Matthews, Melvin Wilcox, Mark Bishop, and Kris Churchill from Oxford,NC.

Once we made it to our first stop we got the "Yeah Right" in position on the structure and the "games began".

The bottom bite was hot with Black bass, Grey Snapper, Silver Snapper, Vermillion Snapper, Triggerfish, and sharks.

There were some big fish hooked up today, the first big shark was hooked up by Mark Bishop and for a while there we all thought that the shark was going to win this fight, but Mark finally landed the knock out punch and was rewarded with a nice Black Tip for a photo shoot!!

Everyone got their limit of one Atlantic Sharpnose Shark for the grill and all the rest (that we got in the boat) were photographed and then released alive to fight again another day!!!

Tom Gardner had something happen to him twice today that hardly ever happens, especially twice in the same day.

He hooked up on two big fish and both times the hook broke. Usually it's the line that breaks or the fish justs gets off, not the hook breaks!!

The king mackeral bite that had been happening in the Tower area must have slacked off. We never trolled for any Kings but the lite line never produced a king all day.

But what it did produce was sharks!!! I don't ever recall seeing as many atlantic sharpnose sharks, Blacktips, and Bull sharks as we had around the boat all day. It reminded me of the way the Spiney dogfish sharks are in the early spring.

I mean it was nothing to have a whole heard circling the boat, 50, 60, possibly 100+ sharks in a school, it was awesome.

Had a big schol of AJ's to come under the boat as well, but none were interested in eating our baits, and that's sorta unusual, but that's fishing!!

But nothing seemed to bother the bottom fish though!! I bet I know a few guys that hit the "Ben Gay" hard last night!!!

It was great to fish with these guys, and it was great to finally get some calmer winds so we could go fishing!!

Sometimes I ask myself why I do what I do, and today I was reminded why I do it. As I have said before, Fisherpeople are the greatest people in the world, and spending a day fishing with people like these guys is surely my "Heaven on earth"!!! Till next time, FISH ON and GOD BLESS!!!! Capt Butch.
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Thanks for the report, Hope the recent storms havent hindered your expiditions to much latley....

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