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Idaho Forums
They seem to be more happening than most around here. Utah is ahead of us in posts and threads, and I think that's it. Wyoming has a decent amount, as does California and Nevada. Tennessee has 13.5k or so, but looking in their general forum a lot is posted by "FishNews", not sure what's going on there. Not really any thing else to be seen.

I found it kind of odd, you'd think the more populated places would have a bit more traffic. I guess I'm glad I don't live in Utah, I wouldn't get any work done reading all the posts in there.
Some of the other states had popular forums from other sources. Once a place becomes the go to place it is difficult to infultrate. Utah had a couple big blow ups on other forums and that is when BFT took off there. Idaho just didn't have a central forum where everyone came to talk. That is why it is important to be civil to each other. A few bad apples can ruin a forum in a matter of days.

I agree 100%, I love to stir the pot. Infact the whole dock fishing comments were all about that. There is a lot of up tight people that jump all over new posters about what they are doing which in their mind may be wrong when really it is just a different method. ( I know the dock thing was cut and dry as it had been posted, but it was more the manor that people went after other fisherman that bothered/s me)
The Idaho forum has certainly gotten active. It wasn't that long ago when there was very little activity. You are right a forum can go from great to totally out of control literally in a day or two without active moderators taking control to prevent that. Even with active moderating it is impossible to prevent some members from getting offended. I always find it interesting how some get offended even when the person who offended them did not intend to cause any harm.

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