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NH Striped Bass report 9/04/04
Fishing Report Week Ending 9/04/04
Dog Days of Summer, Not for us this week. Absolutely great fishing had by all.
Best day of the week was Wednesday where Dave, by himself, caught over 50 fish. Dave was hot and his two buddies didn't count how many they caught, but we had at least 90 fish at the boat on this trip. Dave has been out with me a number of times before, as recently as last Saturday, but this day was different, he came with a few buddies and not members of his family. That meant he could fish and not worry about showing the others up.. It took his buddies a while to get with the program but once they did they were catching fish like crazy too.. Big fish of the week was also caught on this trip, not by Dave but by his buddy Bob, a beautiful 35 incher.
Other trips this week were also great with many fish caught on each trip. Morning or afternoon didn't matter, we were into fish.
There are many more days of great Striped Bass fishing left for the season, Sept. 30 is when they usually migrate out of the area but up until then catches of 30-50 fish are not uncommon, and if you are lucky and the conditions are right, you just might catch 50 by yourself, like Dave.
Tight Lines
Capt. Joel
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NH Striped Bass report 9/04/04 - by reelecstasy - 09-05-2004, 02:34 PM

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