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Seminar Tells You How To Gain Tournament Sponsorships
Aspiring anglers attending the 2007 Bassmaster Classic in Birmingham, Alabama, in February are being offered a free seminar on how to become effective promoters and gain sponsors, courtesy of Kistler Rods. Scott Rauber, internationally known author and sponsorship consultant, will coach attendees.

Over $2.5 billion of advertising dollars are directed at American anglers each year, urging them to buy fishing lures, fishing rods, boats and other fishing-related products. While most of those dollars still go into print and video advertisements, many companies are following NASCAR's lead and their logos increasingly adorn the caps, shirts, vehicles and boat wraps of America's top anglers.

Several titles on bookstore shelves provide sponsorship guidance to organizations and athletes. Scott Rauber is one of a small handful that focuses specifically on gaining advantage in the rapidly expanding fishing sponsorship pond.

Author of "How To Get Sponsored For Fishing Tournaments" volumes I and II, Rauber publishes The Sponsorship Newsletter, a free monthly e-newsletter that has become must-read for hundreds of prospective fishing prostaffers.

Randy Howell, one of the top pros on the Bassmaster tour says, "Every fisherman has spent lots of time, effort, and money to become a better angler, but how many have invested in learning the business side of fishing? To get sponsorship in the ever-increasing world of great anglers, you have to set yourself apart."

The free sponsorship seminar will educate attendees on sponsorship, marketing and promoting techniques -- not fishing tips. According to Rauber, "All competitive anglers know that winning top-tier tournaments is a sure-fire way to attract corporate sponsors. Well, that's great for 5 percent of tournament competitors who compete in the elite ranks, but what can the remaining 95 percent do?"

Jimmy Johnson of McLeansville applied Rauber's advice and in one week picked up seven small businesses as sponsors. "While I am not a big time pro that you see on TV every week, I am benefiting just the same," he says. "I took a few hours to solicit and was able to pick up sponsors for tackle, clothing and marine equipment. Man, this is too easy!"

Rauber asserts businesses that sell to fishermen are more interested in effective promotion than in fishing prowess. In this two-hour class he will share his experiences in obtaining sponsors and will also teach some of the marketing, advertising, and promoting skills he has used over the past 18 years in his businesses, and that have helped hundreds of anglers gain product donations and financial backers!

Kistler Rods will host the seminar on Saturday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. at the Tutwiler Hotel. Sign up for the free sponsorship seminar at Participation is limited to the first 100 registrants.


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Seminar Tells You How To Gain Tournament Sponsorships - by FishNews - 01-18-2007, 10:10 PM

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