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Dead water creek
This is a local spot I go to in Jamesville. You can watch the wildlife in the swamp as you cruise along the shore fishing. Saw hawks,Cranes, Muskrats, and listened to the owls and other birds. But I transgress. I got 3 small bass, lost two. I think one had teeth by the snap of the line. Slapping Hog weighted on edge of weed beds worked there today. By noon it's 90 so off the water I go. Left T Dog home as well. [Sad] Next week I plan to go Blue Crabbing on the shore. We just have to keep those 95-99 degree days away.
Always cool to see wildlife while fishing, a couple of weeks ago we went to a local trout lake and were surprised to see a doe and a fawn sneaking along the side of a hillside. The fawn was just following mom but the doe was really watching for something in front of her, we were curious what had he attention and why she was going toward it. Finally we saw it, a skunk, as soon as the doe saw it she turned 90 degrees and went straight up the hill, we could see it all from our vantage point and that doe went to great lengths to bypass that shunk, going at least 1/4 mile around it to avoid it.[crazy]
Glad to hear you caught a few bass and good luck on your Blue Crabbing trip next week. 95-99 degree days must be brutal there with all that humidity. We have been getting days that warm here but the humidity is below 20% most of the time. They are predicting lower 90's here next week, so that will be better.

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