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December Fishing Report
[#0000cc][size 4]Capt Chris and I loaded up the International 50 TW's with hopes of bringing a Bluefin Tuna to the dock today. Didn't happen!!![/size][/#0000cc] [font "Verdana"][#0000cc][size 4] I only heard of two Bluefin's caught today and both were too short of the 73" limit to sell requirement. We started at the Raritan and worked our way to the Horseshoe. From there we went to the shoals and worked the edge to the knuckle buoy. From there we went to the East side, here we found a large school of trout, could not determine if they were grey or silver trout. If they were grey they were not legal size!! We talked about catching a few for dinner, but not being sure which they were, we didn't!![/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4][/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4] This should have been a great place for the Tunas to be feeding. I mean there were a load of trout here, But I quess the Tunas didn't think the way I did.[/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4][/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4] I don't know if the one's that were here have left or if the approaching front may have had the bite shut off. I would say the front has them turned off right now and as soon as things stabilize a little better, the bite should resume as it was Tuesday and Wednesday.[/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4][/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4] But, then again, the bite at MHC today was reported to have been "on fire". The "radio talk" was that there were 44 boats out up there and 44 boats were hooked up. Now remember, that was on the radio down here, If you are a fisherman, you know where I am going with this!!!![/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4][/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4] Well, I didn't care that we didn't get a Bluefin Tuna today, sure I would love to have got one, it sure would help with the high fuel prices I am paying and not doing anything commercially!! But the reason I didn't care was because I got to spend an entire day in the boat with my son Captain Chris Foster. [/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4][/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4] Don't ever take the time you spend with your children for granted. I remember Capt Chris and I going everywhere and doing everything together all the time and then one day it was over. How could that happen so quickly? It's called life and sometimes it can be brutal and cruel.[/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4][/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4] Anyway, today it was Capt. Chris and I along with "Admiral Bodie" the fish dog, and for a brief time today it was like "old times" again. Wish it could happen more often, but I will Thank God for the times we can get together now, cherish every minute, and never take them for granted ever again!!![/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4][/size][/#0000cc][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"][#0000cc][size 4] Take a look at the big Red Drum we caught today. I out fished Capt Chris on the Reds today, but his was big enough for a NC Saltwater Citation and both of mine were just like the Tunas today, too short!!! Till next time, Capt Butch, Capt Chris, and "Admiral Bodie" the fish dog says, Chris, please come back to see me when you can, we all miss you and love you very much!!!![/size][/#0000cc][/font] [#ff0000][size 6]MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR[/size][/#ff0000]

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