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Hook types and applications for them
Okay, here's one that's been bugging me for a while.

I noticed that there's several types of hooks. It's gotta have something to do with the design of the hook.

What are the applications for the various types of hooks?


What else is there?
[size 2]I personally only use Circle Hooks but they are designed to turn and hook the corner of the fishes mouth also the curve makes it harder for the fish to get off my fighting.[shocked][/size]

[size 2] Some of the best Circle Hooks out now are by a company called OWNER. If you are not aware of these I highly recommend them.[Wink][/size]

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Hi there DrownedDesertRat,

The Octopus style hook has an extra wide gap rounded shape for a better hookup percentage. It is a reverse offset hook, a little longer shank and turned up eye with makes it good for snelling specifically for mooching setups. It is the type of hook popular in both fresh and saltwater for toothy critters.

Hope this helps.

Thanks JR! How would you compare it to a circle hook? Different application for a different type of fish?

Hi there DrownedDesertRat,

The mosquito style hook is a pretty good all around hook. As a bait hook it does pretty well for ghost shrimp, minnows and worms. For artificials it's, drop shotting, nose hooking plastics with a Carolina rig or wacky worming (hook in the center of the plastic worm Ouch!).

The medium shanked hook has a very slightly up-turned eye and the barb turns in just a little. I like this hook because it comes in very small sizes and often light wire.

Hope this helps.

Thanks again JR! So, I take it the Mosquito hooks are the most common ones on the market? I mean, the one's you'll find at department stores (walmart, k-mart, target)?

Hi there DrownedDesertRat,

I fish 90% saltwater and after using circle hooks for 15 years, Ya, I used them when I lived in Japan and nobody but commercial fisherman were using them in the states, I must admit it's the only hook I use now.

I use the hook for every thing... and adjust my hook setting for the type of bait, tackle and species I'm fishing.

I was lucky enough to have some 50 and 60 fish days on the Calico Bass this year and was able to fine-tune my circle hooking to the short strikers, et all.

Circle hooks rule. Once you've hooked a fish 'they are yours' and you don't tear up their mouths and a better release.

Thanks for the info. Do they sell circle hooks small enough for the sunnies? Haven't seen any small ones yet.

Hi DrownedDesertRat,

Yes, there are! Check out the Eagle Claw L700 series especially the L702 and try to find a size as it should be possible. L stands for light and the 702 is great for panfish and trout!

I like Owner hooks but some of the smaller light wire hooks are only commonly avaliable in the Eagle Claw line.

for them sunnies, y9u deffanantly want wire arbordeen snell hooks, size number #6 or a number #8, all you need is a peice of a worm to go on that hook, go with a 4 pound test leader with a 6-8 pound test on the reel.

I love the octopuss hooks and the circle hooks, but not for the pan fish. I found the octopuss to be tops on the trout and the circles tops on the walleye.

I just started using the octopuss and circles this year, I even tryed them on the pan fish, with stagaring results. aside from that You will form this year forward find octipuss and circle hooks in my box.

there is another hook i use on pan fish but only when using crickets. and that is a number #6 eagle claw.

I tied some crawler harness this year with the circle and octopuss hooks, the octopuss hooks were killer on them. for bass using goggle eye plastic worms.
Hey Ron,
I've a couple times over the last two years tried to switch to Circle C's from Eagle Claw's 181 bait holders, but have run into several problems. First, being from the Denver area and a "loyal local" I decided to go with Eagle Claw's Circle C's since Denver is Eagle Claw's (formerly Wright McGill) home. I'm, however, not a good enough "loyal local" to pay premium prices at the factory store, so I ordered the Eagle Claw Featherlite Circle C's from Cabela's in my favorite #'s 4, 6 and 8 at a more reasonable cost. They were gigantic!! I got down to #10's and they were still a little bigger than a #4 181. I finally went to the factory store to get a rod repaired and asked about their Circle C numbering while there. They explained to me they have different numbering systems for two types of their Circle C's. Their L787G, which is what I got from Cabels's) is on some type numbering system that caused the enormous hooks I got. I ended up with their NT2050FS whose numbering system is the same as the 181 which is like the numbering most of us are familiar with.

My next problems have to do with hooking fish. Even though I understood from reading that, with a Circle C, you simply take up slack and raise your rod to hook the fish, I felt, on my first try to switch, I was, out of habit, striking too much because I wasn't hooking fish. On that trip, I ended up switching back to hardware which seemed to get more action anyway. On a later trip, I tried the Circle C's again. That time, I decided to take my time, let the fish play with the bait more, and then slowly raise my rod. Though I missed a couple fish, I did hook and land five, but four out of the five were hooked deep. I don't know if I've tried many things harder than removing a deep hooked Circle C!!

What am I doing wrong? Are my hooks too small? Am I waiting too long? Should I hold my rod in my left rather than right hand? What??
sproat- flies and lures

siwash- for big active fish

kirby-offset point , bait fishing

salmon egg - short shank, long point , deep penetration

o'shaugnessy - heavy duty forged all pourpose

eagle claw- off set point , bait holder

aberdeen- light gauge , wide point , for minnows

limerick- long shank wide point , blue gills and crappie fishing

carlisle- extra long shank , easy to remove if a fish swallows your bait

beak - similar to salmon egg , with a longer point and slightley offset .ALSO CALLED A SHEEP'S HEAD .

double hooks, treble hooks , lures and doughballs

humped shankes , shank has bends to keep plastic baits from turning

Hey there hharada,

Fishing trip wise, I saltwater fish the majority of the time. It's casting, flyfishing or livelining which means the fish are usually moving and there is often current.

I don't know how effective circles are with still-fishing myself. With the fish moving, I get a solid 'corner of the mouth hookup 90% of the time. Once hooked they're mine most often. The other 10% of hooked fish are hooked at the center of the mouth below the nose. I think this means I rushed the slack windup and struck the fish (intentionally or not).

Thanks for the info.

i use the beak (circle )hooks too ron , from #8 down to #24 . i like it when the lead slingers see me pull in fish after fish( steelhead ) on a #18 and they can't get a snag hook-up on there big treble hooks .

i wouldn't recomend them on still water fishing , retriving the hook proves fatal to the fish unless you cut them free of the line and let the hook rust away . as you said there for fast water , not for stillfishing at all .
I apparently wasn't clear with type fishing I was doing when trying to switch to Circle C's. Both attempts were on big, swift, Canyon rivers, not still fishing.
boy dave you guys are sure talkin matrix to me. haha never heard of anyof them your talkin bout. haha i like the eagle claws, snelled double strand hooks. the 8 fer my brookies, 6,s fer the rainbow, browns and the brookies that are bigger in my my big brook. you guys got different fishin down there anyways. have fun no matter what ya do. haha later [Wink]
one day you are going to buy a pack of them pretty red owner hooks and you are going to take them fishing, and you are going to be shocked by the increased hook ups you get because of the deadly sharp points.

just looking at the points of those hooks makes my finger want to give up a drop of blood.....

thsy are sharp, I dont think you can ever resharpen them to as good as they are new. but from what I have seen, they are worth their weight in gold.

I paid 3 & 1/2 smackers on a pack of 8 hooks this year, on one hook I pulled in 7 walleyes. I have never pulled in 7 walleyes on a single leader. I have always broken my leader after a walleye or 2.

this year I am buying more owner hooks for my personal stock.
[Smile]hey dave, it,d be cool to show me a picture of em, haha can ya please?? i ,d like to see what you guys are meanin. we don,t really have the type of selections you guys are talkin bout. isee some of the silver leaders don,t know who by, but they look pretty strong but fer my trout i don,t need leaders, i don,t fish the connecticut i jsut don,t care fer river fishin. and were right by it. fer walleye.course we got them little salmon egg hooks, i don,t think their that great. i use my 8.s/ later PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! HAHA[Smile][Wink]
[center][Image: 5217.jpg][/center][center]this product wont be available untill jan 15th of 2004, that right it is a brand new product. I am excited. it is not the circle hooks I have been using but from just looking at this picture, I am going to want a hundred of them.[/center] [center]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=2162;][/center] [center]this is the points on owner hooks.[/center] [center]I will find the picture of the lure I tie and sell for walleyes.[/center]
[center][Image: 5218.jpg][/center][center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=2163;][/center][center][url "javascript:popupWindow27"][/url][/center][center][/center][center]I figured while I am at it, I would show you the rest of the line of owner's new products for 2004.[/center] [center]all three will be available january 16 2004. I dont know when they will be on the shelves at your local market.[/center]

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