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Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - Printable Version

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Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - wiperhunter2 - 01-26-2017

This guy has a great message but if you can't say something positive about him please don't say anything, thanks.

Re: [wiperhunter2] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - FishingLunatic - 01-26-2017

No comment other than most of what he says is incorrect and him telling people who don't support Trump to just leave if they aren't happy is what's wrong with America. By the way, no the people who didn't want him as president aren't just mad because a republican won. We're mad because Trump won.

Re: [wiperhunter2] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - FatBiker - 01-26-2017

Good to see both the marchers and Big Joe are willing to exercise their First Ammendment rights.


Re: [FishingLunatic] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - wiperhunter2 - 01-26-2017

Since you loved that so much you will really love the hour long follow up piece:

Re: [wiperhunter2] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - FishingLunatic - 01-26-2017

Whatever man. Some of us here on BFT recognize the implications of many things Trump or his administration have said, have already done, or are planning on doing. Some of us on BFT listen to what outdoor organizations like Trout Unlimited, Hatch Magazine, Field and Stream Magazine, the Sierra Club, the National Parks Conservation Association, and the majority of state or federal management agencies for the recreation areas that we all use and fish on say about what they think about Trump. Of course some of y'all will just like to the NRA cause they've lied and scared you to death that democrats are gonna take your guns.

Re: [wiperhunter2] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - moonburnt - 01-26-2017

"This guy has a great message but if you can't say something positive about him please don't say anything, thanks."

I don't understand why you would post that in a public forum where people are likely to a have a different opinion and then suggest that people only leave positive comments. If you only want positive comments about something then you should probably keep it between your like minded friends and family. Especially when what you share is something as divisive as Trump.

As far as Joe goes, I disagree with him. There is way too much for me to write here everything I disagree with and why. I will say that Joe has the right to voice his opinion and people have the right to disagree. People also have the right to protest.

There are a number of reasons why I didn't support Trump and why I never will. I'm sure everyone else that doesn't support him has their own reasons.

Re: [FishingLunatic] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - dubob - 01-26-2017

[quote FishingLunatic]No comment other than most of what he says is incorrect and him telling people who don't support Trump to just leave if they aren't happy is what's wrong with America. By the way, no the people who didn't want him as president aren't just mad because a republican won. We're mad because Trump won.[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Quoting from your own signature, "Haters gonna Hate no matter what." There's a ton of things wrong with America right now and the filth that Big Joe was talking about are a very LARGE part of what's wrong. Being mad because President Trump won and throwing a hissy fit over it is childish, ignorant, and stupid beyond belief. And you want to be identified with that? Good luck with that attitude. Big Joe got it right as far as I'm concerned. The feminist and Hollywood imbeciles demonstrating and showing their extreme stupidity is typical of today's brain dead, political leftists. Not able to form a cognizant thought on their own, they blindly follow the mob like a flock of sheep. Pathetic and disgusting beyond belief![/#][/font]

Re: [FishingLunatic] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - dubob - 01-26-2017

[quote FishingLunatic]Some of us on BFT listen to what outdoor organizations like Trout Unlimited, Hatch Magazine, Field and Stream Magazine, the Sierra Club, the National Parks Conservation Association, and the majority of state or federal management agencies for the recreation areas that we all use and fish on say about what they think about Trump.[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]And some on BFT believe the lies and political spin generated by the left that is NEVER backed up with hard evidence that supports their talking points. [/#][/font]
[quote FishingLunatic]Of course some of y'all will just like to the NRA cause they've lied and scared you to death that democrats are gonna take your guns.[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]And there are literally thousands of verifiable quotes in print and on tape by the left that repeatedly show that the left does in fact want to totally eliminate gun ownership of any kind in the USA. Your refusal to acknowledge that which is provable beyond any doubt is truly amazing. Please let us know when you finally wake up and actually grasp what is going on in the real world.[/#][/font]

Re: [dubob] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - FishingLunatic - 01-26-2017

I'm sick of everyone including yourself saying that speaking up equates with throwing a hissy fit. Look, the reality is that A LOT of problems with America were not created as a result of either a democrat or republican being president and they won't be fixed just because a democrat or republican becomes president. "Not able to form a cognizant thought on their own, they blindly follow the mob like a flock of sheep. Pathetic and disgusting beyond belief". I love how you conclude that the group you identify with isn't this. Just in case you're not aware, Trump lost of a certain person by 3 million votes and obviously there's additional votes that went the third party candidates. So less than half of our voters weren't thrilled with him. You can have the attitude and view point you described above towards all of them for all I'm concerned.

Re: [dubob] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - FishingLunatic - 01-26-2017

HAHAHAHA A republican talking about facts. I take that that back some republicans agknowledge some facts. Those organizations provided overwhelming evidence. I they didn't care which party was going to run they wouldn't bother spending the time or effort. Dubob you are so full of it it is unbelieveable. You guys lived in 8 years of fear apparently...when in these 8 years did Obama try to steal your guns? I'm waiting for the proof. All democrats have ever wanted to do with guns has to do with assault rifles, precautionary background checks(for mentally ill), and what is called the Charleston Loop Hole. I wouldn't agree with them but I would at least respect people who didn't lie and say any democratic proposals regarding guns had to do with all types of guns owned by ordinary citizens.

Re: [wiperhunter2] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - Kent - 01-26-2017

[quote wiperhunter2]

This guy has a great message but if you can't say something positive about him please don't say anything, thanks.


Why would you even make this request on an open forum?

Re: [moonburnt] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - sinergy - 01-26-2017

[quote moonburnt]"This guy has a great message but if you can't say something positive about him please don't say anything, thanks."

I don't understand why you would post that in a public forum where people are likely to a have a different opinion and then suggest that people only leave positive comments. If you only want positive comments about something then you should probably keep it between your like minded friends and family. Especially when what you share is something as divisive as Trump. [/quote]

Well said, Kudos its should be a good indication to people on the BFT board that BFT and some its moderators only want to hear what they want and if you saying anything that goes against the grain its gets deleted. I'm guessing censorship and 1/2 truths are what they consider facts.

Re: [FishingLunatic] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - dubob - 01-27-2017

[font "Times New Roman"]
[quote FishingLunatic]All democrats have ever wanted to do with guns has to do with assault rifles, precautionary background checks(for mentally ill), and what is called the Charleston Loop Hole. I wouldn't agree with them but I would at least respect people who didn't lie and say any democratic proposals regarding guns had to do with all types of guns owned by ordinary citizens.[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]God, but you're easy. Debating you is like debating an 8-year-old. I told you before there are literally thousands of verifiable quotes in print and on tape by the left that repeatedly show that the left does in fact want to totally eliminate gun ownership of any kind in the USA. Here are just 3 that are VERIFIABLE FACTS (that means they are true and even an 8-year-old could find them on the Internet):[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]
“A gun-control movement worthy of the name would insist that President Clinton move beyond his proposals for controls ... and immediately call on Congress to pass far-reaching industry regulation like the Firearms Safety and Consumer Protection Act ... [which] would give the Treasury Department health and safety authority over the gun industry, and any rational regulator with that authority would ban handguns." - Josh Sugarmann (executive director of the Violence Policy Center) [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Nothing in that statement about just "assault rifles."[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]
"If I could have banned them all - 'Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns' - I would have!" - Diane Feinstein [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Nothing about "assault rifles" here either. [/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]
“I don’t believe people should to be able to own guns.” - Barack Obama (during conversation with economist and author John Lott Jr. at the University of Chicago Law School in the 1990s) [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]And look, nothing here either.[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Come on kid, quit trying to play with the adults. You simply cannot keep up. It can be shown ad nauseam that the left wants to ban ALL firearms.[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]And I can just as easily counter all the other gibberish you post on here trying to show the world that you are ready for prime time, when in fact you are not. Give it a rest kid. The adults on here have better things to do with their time.[/size][/#800000][/font]

Re: [kentofnsl] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - wiperhunter2 - 01-27-2017

Elections bring out the worst in some people, it's Sad too because I feel there were people like Joe, that was willing to give Obama a chance to prove himself but Obama proved what kind of President it was with his action. I just feel Trump deserves the same respect. With less than week in office people feel the need to condemn him when he is just barely getting started. From what I see, Trump is off to a great start, are all his actions perfect, no, but what was Obama doing the first week in office, nothing, from what I recall. As Big Joe said, we need to come together as a Country and try and support him instead running him down and finding fault. Obama was suppose to help bring our country together but I see just the opposite happened and if we keep going down this path, it will be bad for our Country. Just give the New President a break and wait a see what happens.
Sent you a PM Kent.

Re: [FishingLunatic] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - FatBiker - 01-27-2017

Come on kid, quit trying to play with the adults. You simply cannot keep up. It can be shown ad nauseam that the left wants to ban ALL firearms.

And I can just as easily counter all the other gibberish you post on here trying to show the world that you are ready for prime time, when in fact you are not. Give it a rest kid. The adults on here have better things to do with their time.


Fishing lunatic, personally I've enjoyed and respect your opinion and responses. I'm 62 years old so I'm at least old enough to be called an adult. If you'd like to go fishing, I've got a seat in my boat for a smart fella like yourself. I'd much rather spend time with folks that are intelligent, excited about life and still idealistic. Unfortunately, too many of my peers are old, disgruntled and bitter about life. Not much fun to be around. I consider myself a liberal and a member of the left. I really don't want to ban all guns, just DuBob's guns.

(Just kidding Bob).

Re: [dubob] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - FishingLunatic - 01-27-2017

Growing up and getting to know several of my family members who all lived to be very old old and who served in the Special Ops, the Marines, and Navy, it is so disappointing to see how unopen minded and bitter you are. I think just by the way you talk, anyone who reads our conversation knows what type of person you are. You're not going to make me feel bad about myself or what I've accomplished so far at 23 years old. I'm proud of working while going to school and graduating in the top 15% of my class. I'm proud of the work I've done so far and look forward to my long future career. As for all of your "quotes" thank you for sharing outdated old information or opinions, or that are from organizations with alterior motives. That's it I'm to say and respond to. I really hope you become less bitter and more happy in your last days.

Re: [FatBiker] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - FishingLunatic - 01-27-2017

Thank you FatBiker and I will definitely take you up on your offer! I consider myself to be an independent but unfortunately the republicans running now days aren't like they historically were.

Re: [FishingLunatic] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - dubob - 01-27-2017

[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Calibri"][quote FishingLunatic]Growing up and getting to know several of my family members who all lived to be very old old and who served in the Special Ops, the Marines, and Navy, it is so disappointing to see how unopen minded and bitter you are. I think just by the way you talk, anyone who reads our conversation knows what type of person you are. [/quote][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]You finally got something right; the folks on here and all the other website forums I visit daily know without a shadow of a doubt what type of person I am and what I believe and where I stand with regard to politics. I get PM’s weekly thanking me for my insight, my willingness to help others, and my civility (MOST of the time) when expressing an alternate opinion. I have let the civility slide on occasion when dealing with complete jackholes. As to being open minded, I’m always eager to increase my knowledge or change my viewpoint when given FACTS about any given subject. I have openly stated on here that I was wrong when I have been shown to be wrong based on FACTS presented by somebody else. I’d be very surprised if you could find one person who has met me face-to-face that would categorize me as a ‘bitter’ person.[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000] [/#800000][/font]
[font "Calibri"][quote FishingLunatic]You're not going to make me feel bad about myself or what I've accomplished so far at 23 years old. I'm proud of working while going to school and graduating in the top 15% of my class. I'm proud of the work I've done so far and look forward to my long future career. [/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I never intended to make you feel bad about yourself. What I intended to do was let you know that you are not yet politically wise enough to enter any kind of in-depth political discussions using only your passion and emotions. I was well into my 30s before I had a clue about what politics was all about on anything other than local issues. State, national, and world politics was a complete fog until my late 30s when it started to become clear for me. And the same was true for just about everybody I grew up with and those I met in my military service career. Based on your posts in the political arena thus far, I can tell that you haven’t even come close to understanding politics yet. It would very wise of you to just keep your mouth shut and listen & learn when it comes to politics. You really are just a kid in this area.[/#800000][/font][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Calibri"][quote FishingLunatic] As for all of your "quotes" thank you for sharing outdated old information or opinions, or that are from organizations with alterior motives. [/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Now that’s funny right there. I show you documented proof of quotes from a national, Democrap, anti-gun organization that has been around for decades; A Democrap Senator who was held that office for 25 years; and none other than a Democrap President of the United States – all saying that the ultimate goal of the Democraps is to ban ALL firearms. And that’s the best response you’ve got? Really? You are in denial kid.[/#800000][/font][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Calibri"][quote FishingLunatic] That's it I'm to say and respond to. I really hope you become less bitter and more happy in your last days. [/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Rest assured kid, I am anything but bitter. We finally have a President that says what he means and means what he says. He has already, in just one week, begun to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C. Sanctuary cities have already begun to see the light and are beginning to fold (Miami-Dade just today). The DOW went over 20,000 based on the fact that our economy is going to finally heal itself because companies and the accompanying jobs they represent are or will be returning to the USA. Life is good kid; and it’s looking better every day. I am over joyed at the prospects that President Trump is actually going to make America great again.[/#800000][/font][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]

Re: [FatBiker] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - dubob - 01-27-2017

[quote FatBiker]Unfortunately, too many of my peers are old, disgruntled and bitter about life. Not much fun to be around. I consider myself a liberal and a member of the left. I really don't want to ban all guns, just DuBob's guns.

(Just kidding Bob).[/quote][laugh] [laugh] [laugh] [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Funny stuff right there. You and the kid will get along just fine. I look forward to reports of your fishing trips together.[/#800000][/font]

Re: [FishingLunatic] Big Joe, for those of you that have not heard about him - dtayboyz - 01-27-2017