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Steelhead Spring 2017 - Printable Version

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Steelhead Spring 2017 - nijimasu - 05-01-2017

I only got out twice, but both trips were phenomenal. I broke my flyrod on my first trip, and ended up putting my fly reel on my long spinning rod, because it seemed like the only way I could catch fish. My first trip I hooked 20 in a day and a half and landed 13, that was at the end of March. My second trip later in April was a little tougher because the water was higher and cloudier, but I still managed 12 fish on and 8 landed in a day and a half. The biggest I kept was 36 1/2 inches, but I landed some as big that had fins, and lost several horses that dwarfed those fish. Talk about a heart attack when those things would jump- that line from Jaws "I think we're gonna need a bigger boat..." kept going through my head, even though I was fishing alone from the bank. I was worried the fish might not taste good so late in the year- I couldn't have been more wrong. Steelhead + Barbeque = awesome.

I'll see if I can get some pictures up.

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Re: [nijimasu] Steelhead Spring 2017 - amik - 05-01-2017

Beautiful fish.