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Coho Salmon Jigging a Jam - Printable Version

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Coho Salmon Jigging a Jam - Calicanuck - 12-07-2017

I just started getting into river fishing for coho salmon this year and have really enjoyed it. I have received many helpful tips from Fishing with Rod and his videos. In this one instance I had actually been fishing by them all morning and they were slaying.... not so for me. On my way back to the vehicle I stopped by a log jam and tossed in a jig. Right away I saw some flashes dart out from the jam and relentlessly attack the jig. They missed the first time but on subsequent casts they nailed the jig. Three in a row and I missed the fourth coho salmon. After that they didn't come out to play anymore. Crazy how many fish can pile up in such a small spot. Don't pass up these locations when walking by just flip a jig in and you may end up being surprised.