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Blue Water & North Current Offshore - Printable Version

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Blue Water & North Current Offshore - KnotNancy - 03-31-2002

Back out to the offshore scene today. SE winds @ 15-20 gave us some bumpy seas. Catching live pilchards in Government Cut was a snap. Herring at the range markers were a bit on the skittish side, however, we caught what we wanted and headed out. We started in 250' straight out from Government in some good looking blue water. A strong north current pushed us past the sea buoy by the time we reached 120'. As we were approaching the blue/green edge, the downrigger rod popped up and pulled about 30 feet of line from the reel. Then nothing. Quick!! The bow flat line and the same thing happened. Please don't tell me I'm going to have another of those rubber hook days. Back out to 160' and before I could get all the baits out, the bow flat line got hit again. Pull some drag and then nothing. GOSH!! This is getting frustrating!! Back to the sea buoy and in 145' the downrigger rod got hit again and this time, SUCCESS, a solid hook up. We cleared all the lines and were in hot pursuit of a sailfish. After 40 minutes, Jordan Ditchek added another sailfish release to his total. This time it was on 12#. The edge moved out deeper the further north we got. A move back south and while I was putting out the second bait, a dolphin struck and we had some fresh fillets for dinner.<br><br>Captain Dave Kostyo<br>Knot Nancy Fishing Charters<br>305 620-5896 Charter<br>305 732-2628 Beeper<br><br><br><br>

Re: Blue Water & North Current Offshore - ssor - 04-01-2002

One real good thing I see is that they are staying verry active. Thanks for the report.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.