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Fish Lake over deer hunt weekend - Printable Version

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Fish Lake over deer hunt weekend - SBennett - 10-21-2018

I just returned from FL, fished fri and sat.
Windy with winds coming from all directions.
Small rainbows come easy with traditional trolling methods.
Splake are extremely active along weedline with perch meat on jigs.
Water was down a couple feet and Lakeside ramp has a dropoff.
20' deep along weedline produces so many perch you can catch a boatload as quick as you can get your line down.
Both Lakeside and Fish Lake Lodge marinas are full of spawning kokes waiting to die as their bodies are falling apart.
Other than whitecaps, excellent trip!

Edit: Lakeside resort closed due to freeze damaged water system.
All other campgrounds closed except Doctor Creek.
DC still has clean, flush restrooms and water.
Dump station at DC has drinking water and flush water.
No snow in campground at all.

Re: [SBennett] Fish Lake over deer hunt weekend - Mooseman75 - 10-21-2018

Whitecaps can really make FL unpleasant if not not un fishable as you may well know. I’ve been out there many times where they come up quick and drive you off fast. Thanks for the report on how the fishing was, did you get any deer hunting in. My family hunts west mtn above Elsinore and we’re only lucky enough to see a couple does.

Re: [Mooseman75] Fish Lake over deer hunt weekend - SBennett - 10-22-2018

No deer hunt for me this year, had to pull a Preference Point to draw my area next year.
Sad what Utah has become.
Witnessed two families almost come to blows at the gas station in Nephi.
One family was trying to exercise a horse while a white trash family refused to put their couple of dogs on a leash. The dogs kept nipping at the horse causing it to go nuts.
I'd love to get out of here, but with extended family settled in the Valley and my wife and I both having good jobs it's a tough decision to pull stakes and bail.
Thank you for the thank you.

Re: [SBennett] Fish Lake over deer hunt weekend - fuzzyfisher - 11-02-2018

Re: [fuzzyfisher] Fish Lake over deer hunt weekend - SBennett - 11-02-2018

I wish I knew how to do that!!
Last year I caught abut a 7 or 8 lber on accident.
I was fishing on my own and was reeling in my 4th salmon. I killed my motors to enjoy the fight which let my second pole dodger/squid settle straight under the boat maybe 80'.
While bleeding my fourth salmon I look over and that other pole was buried in the water while still in my downrigger pole holder.
Some of you know I help sell stuff for Art with KCT and I was using his Pro Downrigger salmon rods.
What a battle on the salmon rod.
Fun stuff!!

Re: [SBennett] Fish Lake over deer hunt weekend - fuzzyfisher - 11-02-2018

the week before i think the 25th..

Re: [SBennett] Fish Lake over deer hunt weekend - Piscophilic - 11-02-2018

Thanks for the report! Are the perch getting any bigger with the recent attempts to thin them a bit?

Re: [Piscophilic] Fish Lake over deer hunt weekend - SBennett - 11-02-2018

Ironic that you ask this. As I was fishing not sure if it was in my mind or not But they did seem to be a little on the bigger side but only by maybe half of an inch or so.