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Remembering our Veterans - Printable Version

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Remembering our Veterans - dubob - 11-11-2018

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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]With tomorrow being Veterans Day I thought you might want to take a moment to reflect on the message in this video. Yes – it’s Canadian. But it is about all veterans regardless of which country they might service. Y’all take care now; and thank you for your service to all my military brothers and sisters everywhere.[/#800000][/font]
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Re: [dubob] Remembering our Veterans - sliverslinger - 11-11-2018

Wow, very powerful! Thank you for sharing.

Re: [dubob] Remembering our Veterans - Kent - 11-11-2018

Beautiful and a Sad reminder of the casualties of war.

Re: [dubob] Remembering our Veterans - Jmorfish - 11-12-2018

Good job Bob -- amazing video....each year on this day I fly my flag with the name of a fellow soldier on it, who died in Iraq on May 3, 2003....Sgt Michael Quinn..he was 37..Yeah, I was still in the Army at that time, but not in war was Viet Nam....How can you ever thank a veteran that died....I don't know, I guess just live your life to the fullest, be grateful, and try to do some good for someone else....A vet with PTSD?..reach out your hand..

Re: [dubob] Remembering our Veterans - RockyRaab - 11-12-2018

I'm as mindful as anyone about honoring our lost. But that's the purpose of Memorial Day.

Today is the day for the survivors to celebrate, to swap tales, and to reflect on the good fortune we all had to return to our families. It's the day for the brave, the lucky, and even for the reluctant, but most of all for the living.

Crisp salute, fellow veterans!

Re: [Jmorfish] Remembering our Veterans - wyoguy - 11-12-2018

I just read somewhere recently that over 58,000
Americans were killed in Viet Nam, we have lost 176,000 to suicide since they came home. As a country we need to do more for our returning combat vets.

Re: [wyoguy] Remembering our Veterans - TheFishSlayer - 11-13-2018

I couldn't agree more Wyoguy. We are very fortunate these days to have received a better homecoming. But those guys had it rough and many contiune to struggle.

Re: [TheFishSlayer] Remembering our Veterans - Bduck - 11-13-2018

I'm not so much memorializing but want to show the history of family members. Hope to see others do the same.

My background
US Air Force 1972-80 Vietnam Era Operation Babylift Travis AFB
Family members
My dad
US Navy 1941-61 WWII Pacific Theater Battle of Midway & Korean War
My mom a gold star sister lost her brother US Navy WWII USS Langley 1942
Brother US Air Force 1967-87 Vietnam War-retired
Sister US Air Force 1974-82 Vietnam Era
Brother US Air Force 1974-78 Vietnam Era
Brother US Air Force 1976-82
My wife's family
My wife's father Pilot US Army Air Force transport service WWII & Korean War- retired
My wife's uncle US Army Air Force WWII Pilot B24 bomber 57 missions over North Africa
Another wife's uncle US Air Force F4 Phantom Combat fighter pilot Vietnam War
My wife's brother drafted US Army 1967 Vietnam War assigned sniper duty