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FLame king propane refill - TheFishSlayer - 01-08-2019

Does anyone on here use one of these to refill your small propane tanks? If so do you have to buy their branded bottles or can you refill the green coleman ones too? Searching around for this on google has only lead me to their bottles.

Thank you

Re: [TheFishSlayer] FLame king propane refill - wiperhunter2 - 01-08-2019
According to Bbb Mmm, in the comments below the video:
"Coleman has modified their tanks so that you cannot refill them"
I don't know if that is true but that is what the comment said.

Re: [wiperhunter2] FLame king propane refill - TheFishSlayer - 01-09-2019

Oh awesome, thank you for that.

I ended up ordering an adapter yesterday so I guess we will find out. Luckily I have a bunch of old empty bottles laying around.

Re: [TheFishSlayer] FLame king propane refill - wiperhunter2 - 01-09-2019

Please let us know how it works out, I know I use Colman too and I'm sure a lot of other members do too and would like to hear about your experience.

Re: [wiperhunter2] FLame king propane refill - TheFishSlayer - 01-09-2019

Well If I stop posting after tomorrow you'll know I blew myself up. HAHA From what I am reading the parent tank has to be warmer than the one you are refilling. So put the bigger one in the house for a day or so and the little one goes in the freezer. It's also important to weigh them to ensure you don't overfill them. I'll be posting up my results if this is successful. The adapter I went with was $8.75. I also bought some reuseable brass caps to screw on the coleman tanks to prevent any leaks.

Re: [TheFishSlayer] FLame king propane refill - a_bow_nut - 01-09-2019

I've refilled a few of the Colman cans. It isn't to complicated but I have found that when I fill them they have about 1/2 to 2/3 of the gas as a new tank has.

As long as you're willing to carry some more canisters to get the same amount run time the you will be happy with it. For most of my trips that aren't to far from the truck I use a hose that adapts to a 5 gallon tank. The larger tank helps when it is real cold and doesn't freeze up while being used like the small tanks can.

Re: [a_bow_nut] FLame king propane refill - TheFishSlayer - 01-09-2019

Hmmif they are only filling up half way I'll have to take a few extra. Which is no big deal I guess. Did you freeze the coleman cans prior to filling?

Re: [TheFishSlayer] FLame king propane refill - riverdog - 01-09-2019

It’s not generally recommended that you bring propane tanks in the house. The temperatures do make some difference but having the larger tank full is going to be more important. The fuller the tank the higher the pressure for propane to remain liquid at the same temperature. When you open the valve to refill the smaller tank the pressure drops and the propane is boiling into a vapor that will fill that smaller tank. As it fills the pressure will equilabrate and the vapor transfered will condensed into liquid.
As mentioned a small refillable tank comes in handy. I’ve got a 3 gallon one that can be filled directly just like the standard 20 lb tank. It can’t weigh but about 6 lbs full. I rarely buy the 1 gallon ones any longer.

Re: [TheFishSlayer] FLame king propane refill - a_bow_nut - 01-10-2019

[quote TheFishSlayer]Did you freeze the coleman cans prior to filling?[/quote]

Yes I did freeze them first.

Re: [riverdog] FLame king propane refill - TheFishSlayer - 01-10-2019

Good point, And thanks for that. I guess I'll give it a try and see if it's worth it to me. I keep my eye out for those little 3lb bottles but can never find a deal. In past years I rarely have used my heater and tent anyways so I was never concerned about running through a whole 1lb bottle anyways. But I am more interested in night fishing this year and my kids are coming more. I always have the heater going when they are with me.

Re: [a_bow_nut] FLame king propane refill - TheFishSlayer - 01-10-2019

Shoot I was hoping that was maybe why they weren't filling all the way.

Thank you

Re: [TheFishSlayer] FLame king propane refill - lifeshort - 01-10-2019

Been refilling them for years. The only problem encountered is an occasional tank will not completely shut off after removing from the adaptor. I put my propane torch on that one mark it as a leaker and toss it when it is empty. I know I have some tanks that have been refilled dozens of times. I have not refilled any new Coleman brand tanks, all I have are 5 plus years old. I have refilled several new 14.1 oz. tanks(the tall skinny ones) no problems encountered. The way I have done to to get the better fill is screw the adaptor in the small tank on it's own and let it completely empty then set in a warm place and empty again after the small tank is warm remove the adaptor. Then I place the small tank in the freezer and let it cool down for about half an hour then fill from the larger tank. Maybe 8 out of 10 seem completely full. you can feel the weight difference in them. The fullest ones go in a box to take in the hills the partial full ones I use around the shop. Is this the right way to do it or completely safe? I don't know just how I have done it. No I am not looking for lunch when I look in the garbage cans around the parking areas fishing. just grabbing someone discarded old propane tanks.

Re: [lifeshort] FLame king propane refill - TheFishSlayer - 01-10-2019

great idea about looking for old ones. It never fails I find them on the ice from time to time too. I'll be keepinga lookout for those too.

Thank you for your post I'll do the same with totally depleting them before I refill them.


Re: [TheFishSlayer] FLame king propane refill - EyLayo - 01-10-2019

I'll save you the dumpster dive. I have no intentions on refilling, I'll save up my empties and send 'em your way after I have a small collection. Anything that would disqualify them from being refilled?

Re: [EyLayo] FLame king propane refill - TheFishSlayer - 01-10-2019

Thank you why don't we just go in on a major refill operation? HAHA

I'm not totally sure yet. My adapter should be in today and I will start trying to blow myself up.

I'll let you know. for now I am looking for older ones based off of what lifeshort said.


Re: [lifeshort] FLame king propane refill - a_bow_nut - 01-10-2019

I will have to try your method.

Re: [TheFishSlayer] FLame king propane refill - lifeshort - 01-10-2019

This is the type I use

Re: [lifeshort] FLame king propane refill - TheFishSlayer - 01-10-2019

UPS says this one just showed up at my house today

Had I known they were at Harbor freight though I would have probably gotten that one.

Re: [TheFishSlayer] FLame king propane refill - TheFishSlayer - 01-11-2019

Well I got my adapter last night and couldn't wait to try it out. I put the valve on the little bottle to let all the propane out. But I put it outside so it wasn't necessarily in a warm spot. Then I put it in the freezer. It ended up being about an hour. Took my 10lb and 1 lb tank outside and filled it up. It seems to be only about half full. So I'll have to mess with it more. But I didn't have a completely full 10lb tank either. I'll fill that up today and try a different bottle.

Thanks for all the suggestions and tips.

Re: [TheFishSlayer] FLame king propane refill - EyLayo - 01-12-2019

[quote]But I didn't have a completely full 10lb tank either. /quote]

Do you think tank size matters? I've got a full 100 lb tank you can test your theory on