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Catching fish is about 'combinations' - Printable Version

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Catching fish is about 'combinations' - SenkoSam - 12-30-2019

Previously over the years I've written a posts about combinations or a group of specific lure characteristics that provoke fish to strike. Like most animals, fish have certain hyped up senses that land animals do not that allow them to survive in the harshest conditions underwater. Those senses remind me of a blind person who has heightened senses that allow him or her to navigate, avoid danger and a developed tactile sense of feel for braille.

Lure characteristics vary depending on the lure, but a lure has a body and tail and the movement of those parts we call lure action. Color is part of the combination which emphasizes lure action by providing the body/tail outline. Even clear plastic reflects and allows light to pass through it at different angles that gives fish a clear picture of a form-in-motion.

Are there best colors for certain lures?
My color superstition makes me believe that there are less effective colors for certain lure designs, the rest adequate enough to emphasize shape, size and action. But if certain colors or color combinations can hold a fish's attention better than others when the lure is at rest or in motion, than that color will be included among others.

Here's a breakdown of combination components that up the odds of catching fish of any species. Having caught fish - especially bass - on a multitude of lure types, and discounted the match-the-hatch excuse, I figure that choosing lures should be based on fish senses which are amazing at detecting lures, staying focused on them and finally causing fish to lose it and strike them. The combination starts by keeping in mind three lure related categories:

1.lure contrast - that which stands out against a background
a. This includes color brightness such as fluorescent colors that stand out like a neon sign or bright white.
b. Laminate color contrast such as a darker color on one surface/ bright color on the other; bright tail color/dark body
c. Flash to include flakes in the plastic or on it's surface; spinning flashing blades

2. shape and size combos matched to the possible potential of a fish striking it
a. Sometimes less is better IE under a float; at other times increased body bulk plus length challenge a fish's territory regardless the size fish.
b. IMO certain lure profiles are programmed into a fish's DNA such as fish shapes. Whether fish recognize those shapes and actions only god knows.
c. a fish's current aggressiveness that falls into a range from 1-5 determines what shapes and sizes fish will attack -IE pre-spawn fish in the shallows and school fish are very aggressive. Non-aggressive fish can be made to attack - sometimes.

3. lure action / retrieve speed dependent
a. there are many that do better retrieved slowly with pauses; other do fine trolled at a medium speed but that have a bill-induced wobble (crankbaits).
b. vibration-type picked up by sonic detection merits a close inspection of what a lure looks and acts like on various retrieves which matters more than we know. The waddle of a skirtless tube or my cone tails is a perfect example of a unique action that works most of the time. My 2-2.5" wacky grub-stick is another where tip & body twitch/quiver is another that I swear by.
c. horizontal action vs vertical action are key considerations for choosing lure design and presentation. This coupled with lure speed in either direction determine a lure's success.

I've seen many lures that were outstanding in certain waters and some that are more universal in appeal. But now I look at them from a why-did-they-work? point of view and not just the numbers caught. The reasons they caught fish is the combination of factors mentioned above similar to picking a lock to open a safe. Each safe has it's own combination as does each lure that catches fish.

Here's an example of the component combination of a lure that makes fish strike it.
[Image: N6qoaQQ.jpg]
1. small size and profile (for any size fish)
2. glitter - flash
3. black flake - contrast
4. thin tail that flutters at the lowest speed or when paused
5. brain DNA stored minnow shape

Another example: a wacky-rigged mini-stick grub
[Image: gFZ59We.jpg]
1. brain DNA stored profile (caterpillar shape)
2. body & tail quiver with or without rod tip induced action
3. slim profile and small size easy to attack by any size fish
4. color contrasts with a background and transmits light

a few more examples:
[Image: nprNk62.jpg]
1. vibration: clacking hooks, maybe rattles inside the lure, body wobble either wide or tight that smacks the lateral line and induce ambush-type strikes
2. crankbait shape
3. colors that contrast or made of plastic that may even be clear
(note: clear lures still allow the shape of any lure to be seen by fish)

Spinnerbait/ Beetle Spin:
[Image: fEfyXI9.jpg]
1. pulsing fluttering skirt and trailer
2. flashing blade
3. color contrast of skirt
4. blade vibration

Fish aggression level is part of the combination when choosing or working lures and includes: angler input. In other words using the best hand/wrist action, reel speed and presentation that complements a particular lure's design and makes it effective. If a lure is used incorrectly, it could be the best one ever and be snubbed by fish.

Simply stated, the best fish-catching combinations are based on a combination of lure characteristics and angler input.