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I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - Printable Version

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I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - Mildog - 05-14-2021

I ranted a bit on earlier post, but thought it may be worth a separate thread maybe it will make a difference. Most likely people on this site are not the problem. Three times in a row I have found the fish cleaning station at Willard North in a mess. Carcasses stuffed in and “disposal” not functioning
We were able to clear it and feed the carcasses in and get it working. I think it is disrespectful to other anglers to leave it in that condition. If we were able  to clear it, whoever left it that way could have. It is a great thing to have a working clean cleaning station. Feed carcasses in while it is running carefully and one at a time and it will work well for all to use.
Please use them carefully properly and leave them cleaner that you found it,
Mildog out!

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - dubob - 05-14-2021

I think you are correct regarding BFT'ers NOT being part of the problem and you're in all likelihood preaching to the choir.  It has been my experience over the years that the majority of the fishing folks I have met at various launch ramps around the state had never heard of BFT or UWN before I asked them if they were members of those sites.  So talking about this for-real problem on here isn't going to reach the perpetrators causing this disgusting situation.

The only solutions I can think of would be to hang an open box sign with 4' X 4' sides that are signs (4 ea) that say "Turn the grinder on before putting fish entrails into the chute." The other option would be to station a full-time attendant at every cleaning station in the state that uses an electric grinder.  Some of the newer stations are just a collection vault with no grinder.

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - TubeDude - 05-14-2021

(05-14-2021, 04:07 AM)Mildog Wrote: I ranted a bit on earlier post, but thought it may be worth a separate thread maybe it will make a difference. Most likely people on this site are not the problem. Three times in a row I have found the fish cleaning station at Willard North in a mess. Carcasses stuffed in and “disposal” not functioning
We were able to clear it and feed the carcasses in and get it working. I think it is disrespectful to other anglers to leave it in that condition. If we were able  to clear it, whoever left it that way could have. It is a great thing to have a working clean cleaning station. Feed carcasses in while it is running carefully and one at a time and it will work well for all to use.
Please use them carefully properly and leave them cleaner that you found it,
Mildog out!

Been that...done there...or whatever.  I have also found the fish shredder inoperable on multiple occasions.  Sometimes I have been able to pull out the clog and get it working again.  Other times it has tripped a reset or something and will not function...even empty. 

The main offenders are usually not the guys cleaning crappies, wipers or walleyes.  Catfish are generally the clogging culprits.   Catfish have large hard heads.  The grinder at the south marina seems to handle them better.  But the one at the north marina doesn't have as large an aperture or something.  You have to feed catfish in by the the grinder grabs them and pulls them in...including the head.  If you just plunk in a couple of cats...head first...the grinder just skins their noses for a long time without pulling them through.  And if you have a large wiper or walleye it is good juju to put them in tail first too.  At least you leave the system operable for the next guy.

Alas.  It is hard enough to train dimbulbs to turn on the system before putting the fish in.  How will we ever edumacate the goobers who clean only catfish?

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - jjannie - 05-14-2021

Put our response on the other thread as well - but maybe if they put a sign right on the sides of the chute as well as on the posts -

Turn on grinder BEFORE adding the fish - tails first!

Best we can do is to keep informing others when we come across them.... or maybe take the sprayer and hose those people down to get them to listen - ok that last part was our rant - LOL

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - Mildog - 05-14-2021

Actually a sign with simple instructions would be a big plus!! Newbies would not have a clue how to use, as there are no instructions. Pats tips are spot on they do feed better tail first which is counter intuitive and also one at a time WHEN it is turned on.
Maybe I’ll print up some instructions and tips and post them as long as I wouldn’t be breaking any regulations!! The Big Grinder at Lake Powell cleaning station seems to eat them head first!

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - doitall5000 - 05-14-2021

I'm hoping someone that has a shop could help us out with a good sign. Like you said .

"Turn on the grinder BEFORE feeding any fish."

Anyone able to do this??

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - wiperhunter2 - 05-15-2021

I contacted the Willard park manager about this issue last year and this is what he told me. They have in fact put up instructions on how to operate the fishing cleaning station there at the north marina but people tore those signs down, probably the same ones that were not following the instructions. They felt like it was a waste of time to put up the signs again because in all likelihood they would be torn down again. I ask him why the fish cleaning station at the South marina seems to work better than the one at the north marina and he said it was the size of the drain. When they installed the one at the South marina they had just come out with a newer model with the bigger drain, so that one got the newer improved model. The north marina however had just been replaced the year before the new model came out, so it was not eligible for a new one for several more years and when it is they will be installing the new model there, because it works so well at the south maina. 

On another note it appears they are almost done with that new pond there on the North side and it looks like it could be open by Memorial day. We drove by it a week ago and it appears the water level is to the height they want it to be and the parking area is all complete, they were just working on fencing it in, when we were there.

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - catchinon - 05-15-2021

Curt, will they be stocking it or are there already fish in it?

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - wiperhunter2 - 05-15-2021

(05-15-2021, 02:13 PM)catchinon Wrote: Curt, will they be stocking it or are there already fish in it?

I have not talked to the Willard park manager this year but last year when I talked to him, he said the plan was to stock it this Spring with pan fish and give it 6 months to a year for those fish to reproduce and get at least one spawning cycle in before they put the predator fish in there. So from that I took it would be stocked and fishable by Memorial day weekend.

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - catchinon - 05-15-2021

So that would be crappie and perch? Anything else?

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - wiperhunter2 - 05-15-2021

(05-15-2021, 02:54 PM)catchinon Wrote: So that would be crappie and perch? Anything else?

From what he told me, it would be every pan fish that Willard had it it. So that would be perch, crappie, bluegill and green sunfish. There could be more but those are the ones I'm aware of Willard having. Not sure if they plan on putting any bait fish in there, like shad, dance or shinners, I would think they would but the park manager did not say one way or the other about those bait fish.

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - Mildog - 05-15-2021

Why would someone tear down a sign with instructions??
Sounds like an excuse to put up a new one! Oh well some people are jerks and will trash anything.
I’m thinking I may make a small
Sign and stick it up. It worked great today and was clean and operational when I used it.
There were a couple other gentlemen there and we fed it about a dozen carcasses and it took
Care of them
No problem. Tail First one at a time while running and it does the job!!
It really needs a sign people that are not familiar with them don’t even know how to turn it on!!

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - wiperhunter2 - 05-16-2021

(05-15-2021, 11:52 PM)Mildog Wrote: Why would someone tear down a sign with instructions??
Sounds like an excuse to put up a new one! Oh well some people are jerks and will trash anything.
I’m thinking I may make a small
Sign and stick it up. It worked great today and was clean and operational when I used it.
There were a couple other gentlemen there and we fed it about a dozen carcasses and it took
Care of them
No problem. Tail First one at a time while running and it does the job!!
It really needs a sign people that are not familiar with them don’t even know how to turn it on!!
Why do people do anything that's destructive like that, for no apparent reason. IMO it is likely because they did not read the sign until after they clogged the drain and after they clogged it, they did not want to appear dumb, that they did not read the sign, so they removed it, just to say there was no sign telling them to turn on the grinder and water before using it. I would say that is a very small number of people that would do that but all it takes is one person to ruin it for everyone else. Glad to hear there are some folks that kept it clean before you got there. If you really want to make a sign and put it up like that, I'd suggest calling the Willard park manager and make sure it is ok before you do that. Do whatever you want, I'm just saying.....

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - Mildog - 05-16-2021

If a sign show up it was NOT me I’m all talk!!

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - wiperhunter2 - 05-16-2021

(05-16-2021, 08:17 PM)Mildog Wrote: If a sign show up it was NOT me I’m all talk!!

LOL, got ya, just a concerned citizen that wants to help Wink.

RE: I wish people would be more considerate at cleaning stations! - bone8 - 05-17-2021

I fished Willard on Saturday and we ended the day with eight walleye and a cat and when we went to the north cleaning station the first fish we sent down didn't go anywhere it was clogged up with the last guys mess so we cleaned it out and yes tail first is better and it was fully operational when we left I told my son when we was walking away would you look at that we didn't need a sign to do the right thing
come on people clean up your damn MESS!! the next guy is not your mom