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2022 Catfish Contest Catslayer - Printable Version

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2022 Catfish Contest Catslayer - Mooseman75 - 07-21-2022

Utah lake
[Image: 20220720-093036.jpg]

[Image: 20220720-101912.jpg]

Justin those numbers are impossible to read on second picture you need to see if black marker will make them stand out so they can be read. Anyway 26 and I’ll trust you on the 25.5. Sorry I got way behind on scoring 

RE: 2022 Catfish Contest Catslayer - Mooseman75 - 08-02-2022

Hey Jeff did you see these? They were not on the 7/29/22 update. It may throw you off that it's posted under my name I do it because of logging out and back in issues. Or you may be heck a busy lol....we are hoping to get out soon to get more but just wanted to see where he was at

Justin aka Mooseman75

RE: 2022 Catfish Contest Catslayer - Mooseman75 - 08-04-2022

Utah lake
[Image: 20220803-095425.jpg]

[Image: 20220803-092616.jpg]

Justin looks like having the pictures in the sun makes all the difference I can see these really well 28.5 and 27 points 

RE: 2022 Catfish Contest Catslayer - Mooseman75 - 08-05-2022

Hey Jeff I must apologize for jumping the gun. I saw 3/29/22 and thought 7/29 so I thought you missed a few, it was me miss reading.....I know your busy that wasn't what I was getting at. I just didn't read the contest scoreboard right. I read the date it was created lol. Your doing great.

RE: 2022 Catfish Contest Catslayer - SkunkedAgain - 08-15-2022

Hey Justin, I’m pretty slow this year. I’m trying to at least get things updated every other week. Hopefully I can do better as fall sets in. Sorry for the slacking. Later J