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Fishing partners needed - catchinon - 04-27-2023

Since I had a stroke a month ago my wife doesn't want me to go out on my boat alone on Utah Lake. I can usually find someone to go out with me on Saturdays but my regular partner is tied up for the next two. I would also like to fish weekdays when possible which is about anytime since I am retired. So I'm looking for anyone who would like to go along. I usually catch a fair amount of catfish and some are big. When I didn't have a boat and didn't know how to fish for catfish I had a few mentors take me and show me the ropes. I would like to pay it forward now. If you or someone you know would be interested please contact me here or with a PM. I am also open to considering going to any other lake within a reasonable distance. Willard, at two hours away, is about my limit. I live in Spanish Fork. I'm interested in any and all kinds of fish.

RE: Fishing partners needed - SkunkedAgain - 04-27-2023

Hey Craig, I guess I didn't hear about the stroke, sorry to hear that for you... Hope you had a full recovery even if the wife is more worried about you now... But it is a good idea to be extra careful just in case... Easy to take for granted how dangerous our sport can be when things are going well, but that can sure change fast if things go sideways... Best of luck finding folks to join you... I'm a little out of the range and availability window... Best of luck... Jeff

RE: Fishing partners needed - Jig-fisher - 04-27-2023

I'm sorry to hear that Craig, and would love to fish with you; but I'm far away and still working as well.  I hope you find someone to go with. If you're still going out, you must have recovered well. 

Always wishing you the best and looking forward to a future fishing trip.

RE: Fishing partners needed - TubeDude - 04-27-2023

Since my kidney issues have reduced my fishing capacities...and because I speak semi-fluent catfish...I just may opt to join you a few times.  Oh yeah, I also have seven day weekends.  Have your peeps contact my peeps.

RE: Fishing partners needed - wiperhunter2 - 04-27-2023

Sorry to hear about your stroke Craig, can't blame your wife for wanting you to go out with someone, just to be on the safe side.

RE: Fishing partners needed - Bduck - 04-28-2023

Sorry to hear about your stroke Craig. My retirement puts thing out of range since I do a lot of 3hr trips and usually last-minute decisions. I have to play it out according to how my wife's physical health is day to day. Best wishes for you going fwd. 

RE: Fishing partners needed - Boatloadakids - 04-28-2023

I fish Lincoln several times a week during the summer months. My trips are often last-minute decisions, and I usually don't fish more than a few hours each trip. Sweet wife has MS and I don't like to be too far out of reach if she needs me. I fish alone most of the time during the week cuz my usual crew is not available. I'm not real particular about who I fish with... I even let Tube Duke in my boat a couple of times. 

I have not been out yet this year but with warm weather coming (?) I hope to get out soon. I'm sure we can schedule a few trips together if you are not particular about who you fish with. Smile

Lynn BLK

RE: Fishing partners needed - big_griggs - 04-28-2023

Let's start a new App for fishermen looking for fishermen we will call it FIN-DER LOL

RE: Fishing partners needed - catchinon - 04-28-2023

(04-28-2023, 02:20 PM)Boatloadakids Wrote: I fish Lincoln several times a week during the summer months. My trips are often last-minute decisions, and I usually don't fish more than a few hours each trip. Sweet wife has MS and I don't like to be too far out of reach if she needs me. I fish alone most of the time during the week cuz my usual crew is not available. I'm not real particular about who I fish with... I even let Tube Duke in my boat a couple of times. 

I have not been out yet this year but with warm weather coming (?) I hope to get out soon. I'm sure we can schedule a few trips together if you are not particular about who you fish with. Smile

Lynn BLK
Well, you know what they say, any port in a storm. Big Grin Call me and we'll work something out. Thanks.

RE: Fishing partners needed - Gone Forever - 04-28-2023

Sorry about the stroke. I hope you are recovering as well as I did mine several years ago. It sounds like you are. I spent the first 21 days after the stroke in a coma. Lost time.
I am on a reduced work schedule for the next 5-6 weeks and could do a Thursday with you. I don't know much about UL except it's big and shallow. Not much of a cat guy per say but like the fight. I love a good white bass bite as well.
Have all my own gear and lots of boat experience. I'll leave mine at home.

RE: Fishing partners needed - Cowboypirate - 04-28-2023

Craig, I will throw another option at you, you are welcome to join Cookie and I for some summer adventure. Its mostly bank tangling but you can compare stroke stories with Cookie and while I make sloppy joes

RE: Fishing partners needed - catchinon - 04-29-2023

Thanks a lot Lance. The only problem is that I can't drive alone for a couple of more months. I might be able to get someone else to go along with me to get up there. You could PM me with times you could work me in. I would like to fish at Willard and in the Uintas if you're going there.

RE: Fishing partners needed - RockyRaab2 - 04-29-2023

Getting old ain't for sissies, huh? Too many of us are in the same boat - pun intended. I had back surgery in February and may not be able to launch and recover my boat for some time yet. The limp and hobble to and from the car may be too much, not to mention wave rocking all day.

RE: Fishing partners needed - Cowboypirate - 04-29-2023

(04-29-2023, 11:35 AM)RockyRaab2 Wrote: Getting old ain't for sissies, huh? Too many of us are in the same boat - pun intended. I had back surgery in February and may not be able to launch and recover my boat for some time yet. The limp and hobble to and from the car may be too much, not to mention wave rocking all day.

Rocky, I can make more than one sloppy joe if you need to join the ranks of Bank Tanglers for a season. Happy to keep you fed too

RE: Fishing partners needed - RockyRaab2 - 04-30-2023

I know you would, Lance. You're a good soul. But if you saw me hobbling, you'd realize why bank tangling is out. I can barely handle dead level and smooth.

RE: Fishing partners needed - Cowboypirate - 04-30-2023

(04-30-2023, 11:52 AM)RockyRaab2 Wrote: I know you would, Lance. You're a good soul. But if you saw me hobbling, you'd realize why bank tangling is out. I can barely handle dead level and smooth.

Man that sound bad. Hope you recover quicker than expected. I can home deliver cookies but it is hard to reroute a river under under your kitchen window so you can toss a lure.

(04-29-2023, 01:22 AM)catchinon Wrote: Thanks a lot Lance. The only problem is that I can't drive alone for a couple of more months. I might be able to get someone else to go along with me to get up there. You could PM me with times you could work me in. I would like to fish at Willard and in the Uintas if you're going there.

I will keep in touch via PM and we will find a way to wet a line together