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To catch a salmon by hand! - Printable Version

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To catch a salmon by hand! - DanielJRioux - 03-17-2004

Back on the old farm again, Tomollia tree farm next to the puyallup river in WA, I thought I would go fishing, or grabbing, for salmon coming up the small feeder creek we had going through the property. I had scouted the creek for a while and found a narrow place, between two rocks, where the salmon pass though. It was a cold and raining day, what else, when I decided to attempt it. Salmon were passing through the narrows and I stood over them and tried to time them. I finally managed to grab the tail end of one but I leaned out a little to far and he pulled me in. Splash I went and got soaking wet from my head to toe, but, I still managed to keep the fish and after I took care of dressing him out a friend offered me a 10 lb deer roast for trade. Not a bad deal if you ask me. Next I will have to try grabbing for catfish, now that should be an interesting sport.

Re: [DanielJRioux] To catch a salmon by hand! - aquaman - 03-17-2004

i hand grapped 2 fish in my life one a big ol carp i snunk up on in a row boat and another was at a place called marine land ( like sea world ) the had a big "reef" where you could swim with the fish i was in there swimming and a big 25# yellowtail was swimming towards me well i couldn't resiest i reached out and grabbed it behind the tail MAJOR MISTAKE that fish took off so fast it spun me a 180 degrees in the water and almost pulled my arm out of socket !!!!!

Re: [DanielJRioux] To catch a salmon by hand! - patches - 03-17-2004

hey good story bud. i wish i lived where i could. haha that must be fun. been to new york fishin em befoe, and had a ball, but hand grabbin them i dont know if i,d want to. hahaha they would pull me in. ahha ya just be careful which end your grabbin with them catfish ahhaha they can do a job! on ya. haha from some of those big ones i,ve seen on here. haha later[Smile][Wink]

Re: [aquaman] To catch a salmon by hand! - patches - 03-17-2004

hahaha which way did he go george?? haha i dont think i would a tried that ahhahaha i,d a liked to seen ya doin that ! hahaha later[Smile]like ridin a buckin bronco! haha hey guees what it snowed up here again today. it aint gonna quit chris! darn it! says all the ways to sunday suppose ta snow. IWANT SPRING~! jack and i went out shootin guns fer the last 2 weekends cold but sun, windy but i didnt care. it werent snowin! haha everybodys feelin it here! dont make the attitudes good. haha later[Smile]