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Canned Salmon Recipeis - Printable Version

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Canned Salmon Recipeis - davetclown - 04-05-2004

any one got any?

Re: [tubeN2] Salmonettes - davetclown - 04-06-2004

great recipies thanks.

I can see I left a lot of room fo interpitation on what I was looking for... lol. I will re ask the question and be alot more spicific in my question...

thanks. these will go well with my next question.

Re: [davetclown] Salmonettes - tubeN2 - 04-06-2004

You need to remember, I was away from the farm for along time. I know what you want know. Recipes on canning the salmon. ha ha. Did you say canned or canned? I know the difference.

I'll move these over in the morning. I'll get you some of my family recipes for canning fish. We use alot of dill in our family.

Re: [tubeN2] Salmonettes - davetclown - 04-06-2004

dont move them they are fine right where they are at, the fault is mine... I already posted the new question.

I too have been away from the farm way to long.