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HOW TO FILLET FISH - Printable Version

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HOW TO FILLET FISH - daymere - 04-12-2004


Get the Right Knife

A good fillet knife has a long, thin, flexible blade. Most sporting goods and department stores sell fillet knives. Buy a good quality knife and keep it sharp.

It is helpful to have a smooth, flat board to use as a cutting surface when you are filleting fish. A canoe paddle makes a good cutting board if you are filleting your catch for a shore lunch.

How to Fillet

Understanding the bone structure of a fish will help you fillet properly.

[Image: fil1.GIF]

To start, make sure the fish is dead to avoid injuring yourself. Make the first cut behind the gill cover. Be careful to cut only until the knife touches the backbone. Do not cut through it.

[Image: fil2.GIF]

Knife inserted behind gill cover

Turn the fish end-for-end and run the knife along the backbone and dorsal fin. Cut deep enough to bounce the knife along the top of the rib cage.

[Image: fil2.GIF]

Knife into fish along the rib cage

When the knife blade no longer contacts the rib cage, push the knife through the width of the fish. The blade will exit on the bottom of the fish near the vent. Continue cutting along the bone until the fillet is cut off at the tail.

[Image: fil4.GIF]

Knife through the fish and cutting toward tail

Hold the fillet away from the rib cage and carefully cut the meat away from the ribs by running the knife along the ribs. Cut through to the belly and remove the fillet.

[Image: fil5.GIF]

Cutting meat from rib cage

A second method is to cut through the rib cage and remove the ribs along with the fillet. An additional step is then required to cut the ribs away from the meat.

Remove the skin from the fillet by inserting the knife at the tail and cutting the meat from the skin. Hold the fillet in position by pressing down on the skin, with your thumb.

[Image: fil6.GIF]

Removing skin

Now repeat the same steps on the other side of the fish. Make sure to keep the fish cool, even during the filleting process.