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[Sad] AS MOTORCYLCE SEASON COMES TO A START, I FEEL THE NEED TO SAY THIS! our friends were drivin home from white river on the old road to windsor.just got threre bike out fer the season, they,ve been motorcyclin with us fer years, older couple, so have the expierience that comes with it, but as it went, this young girl saw them comin down thru, set there waited fer the motorcylce to git almost to her, thought she had time to pull out before the bike got there, or no patience, either or, and pulled out in front of them. and the husband tried swervin, and puttin on the breaks, to go round her, hit the light sand on the side of the road and slid under the back end of the car, the both of em, she drug them with the car, 100ft down hte road, killin them both, it cannot be done,.------- a motorcycle cannot stop on an instant! they ended up under the back end of the car, and she dragged them good 100ft. killin both of them. i say this twice cause it needs to sink in, fer both car and motorcylists, i wonder if the girl figures her time is worth 2 lives now. too many times these things happen. all becauyse people dont think, or in a hurry, or just no patience, or respect fer those who love the freedom of the road to ride a motorcycle. this needs sayin. people that have never driven a bike cannot understand, just what it takes to handle that bike, it,s heavy fer one thing, and balance, and have to watch out more fer deer crossin, dogs, people, that think they got time to walk in front of a motorcylce, so we have more to watch out fer in the first place, and drivin on the tail of the bike is just as dangerous to people who ride bikes also, because goin from the main road to dirt, the bike can slide also, the back tire front tire gits in that sand and that,s it. with the weight behind it, it will bring the back tire around and theere,s no handlin it toll, it,s goin where it wants too. when momma and daddy give the kids the new bikes, those crochrockets, ya know, that are just learnin to ride, have no respect fer the road or nyone else thats on it, the expierence, of the do,s and dont,s with a motorcycle, and the foolish chanes the youngins take because of the love of speed, a new toy, and think they can handle any situation, we all have to look out fer them, and watch out fer them, what,s the sayin, kids have no fear, well it,s true. seen it too many times, and as all of us that know this, too many times weve saved good many lives with these kids, both car and bikers, by knowin this and allowin them to do what they do, to save there lives of bein foolish. as even when it comes to those kids first learnin to drive a car, no difference. like this little girl, i feel fer her, though cause she,s got to live with herself knowin this that she killed 2 people, that had lives, family, hound dogs, and FRIENDS. NOW IT,S GONE. only that motorclyes cant do what cars can do. i hope ya hear what i,m sayin,just cause we,re smaller they think, the kids, and cars, that we can go and git around anythin or one.the youngins dont think either, that comes from expierence, time or a GOOD LESSON, TO PUT FEAR INTO THEM! TO RESPECT EVERYTHIN ONE, AND RESPECT THE ROAD, but this was a terrible accident, a terrible lesson this young girl learned by. and i hope this season has fewer deaths, than last, but this year isnt startin out too good here, fer us. i guess my whole inclination of this situation is, fer those who love the raod, be it car, truck, motorcylce, or moped, or even walkin on the side of the road, WE ALL NEED TO RESPECT EACH OTHER, hep each other, watch out fer each other so,s were all safe and happy, and have a good time doin what we love to do. be it whatever! and i hope and pray this fer everyone. while we,re goin on vaction sat. fer 3 weeks and all thru the years. every year we go on our motorcycle outin to bike week, at lake george, laconia,nh. and new york again, we see at least 2 accidents at each one. sometimes deaths, or smashin up the bikes, and cars./ it,s too bad. all because of foolishness or no respect, or no patience. it needs to stop. course we knwo it won,t but we hope fer it. later mare i need to say one more thing, most will probably say, well this ought ot be goin without sayin, well y know, it, dont, otherwise these stupid accidents wouldnt happen. that,s why i NEEDED TO SAY IT. sometimes remindin us all, is good.
so instead of startin our vacation out with hooray! can,t wait to go! which they were looin forward to goin also to the bike outins, we,re goin to a funeral, and it makes us Sad. [Sad][Sad]

Re: [patches] DEATHS BETWIXT CARS AND MOTORCYCLES - Flagmanonice - 05-30-2004



Re: [patches] DEATHS BETWIXT CARS AND MOTORCYCLES - gdn443 - 05-31-2004

My condolises to you and your family during this difficult time. Those of us that ride or did ride know all to well that peaple do not look out for bikers. Be safe.

Re: [patches] DEATHS BETWIXT CARS AND MOTORCYCLES - fish4fish - 06-01-2004

My condolences to you and your motorcycle family, 3 years ago my best friends dad was killed in a motorcycle accident by somebody elses carelessness, it was a freak accident though. it was Sad to see my friend losing his dad and becoming the man of the house at age 16, it is something that i will never forget. Now when Last year though a group of BAKA members went and visited his grave side for memorial day, it was published in the papers it was really cool.

now i am much more cautious when i see a motorcycle wither on the road behind me or otherwise i try to give them adequate room to manuver if nescessary.


I am very sorry to hear about your friends, patches. Losing someone is never easy[unsure]

Re: [patches] DEATHS BETWIXT CARS AND MOTORCYCLES - tubeN2 - 06-01-2004

Hey Patches,

I'm sorry about what happened to your friends. I give you my condolences and I pray for you and the family so that your grieving of your loved ones will be eased.

Re: [patches] DEATHS BETWIXT CARS AND MOTORCYCLES - davetclown - 06-07-2004

michigan cyclest are batteling to have the state helmet law repealed or at least amended to riders of ages 21+ will not have to wear a helmet provided they have a cycle license and take the motor cucle drivers corse...

Re: [fish4fish] DEATHS BETWIXT CARS AND MOTORCYCLES - patches - 06-13-2004

ya that,s real smart givin each car and motorcycle room. good fer both even when hte ar has to stop quick too. and alot of new bike riders dont realize just how much of a difference in distance that should be put betwixt em either. well i want ot thank ya all fer your thoughts of jack and me, and prayeers, we appreciate it. and fer there family. too. it just seems so senceless, how just accidents are ya know. and i hear ya bought the boy havin to take over the family, it really is so hard fer a kid to have to grow up so fast. but i heard it said befoe tha god has his reasons, well, ya know, i wonder if it really is true, or wheter these things just happen, before there time? i cant see where a lovin god would think this is right, or could or would do this,leavin a kid to take vare of everyone else, and god would want it done. do you??? hear me???? i guess i,ll have to ask him that someday. too. well all ya take care, no dave i wouldnt be goin without a helmet and it is plain askin fer troble. over the bridge from us in new hampshire we can ride without a helmet if we want, i wont. jak either even if its a little chep helmet. at least have somethin on your head, it might just save a life. i wouldnt let vliff on his without a he,met even if it was just a little dirt bike. but he was good and always wore it. well take care all and thanks again. we,ve been missin em. but there there in spirit with us still ridin. later mare