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Fishing Partner from BFT - Flagmanonice - 06-01-2004

[Smile] Is there a person you would like to try fishing with that belongs to BFT ? You may know this person , but try to pick someone that you don't know personally. My pick would be Tuben2 , but with alot of close seconds !!!


Re: [Flagmanonice] Fishing Partner from BFT - aquaman - 06-01-2004

if i ever made it to CA. i would like to meet japanron and do some sportfishing with him used to be a deckhand in the area he fish's but that was 20 years ago so i'm probably a little out of touch but with all the fishing he does i'm sure he could show me a trick or three

Re: [Flagmanonice] Fishing Partner from BFT - BADFISH - 06-01-2004

After much thought...I would go take a trip to AZ and float awhile with tubedude, I have talked to him on occasion about fishing here in UT, and I would like to meet him someday and spend a afternoon floating our tubes. I think he is a fishing mentor. that guy knows how to rip some lips and slay some finns.

Re: [BADFISH] Fishing Partner from BFT - tubeN2 - 06-01-2004

I spent many a years fishing with TubeDude. He is one heck of a teacher and Dad. Since we are supposed to pick someone new to us, I would have to narrow it down to........................All you members out there.[cool] Maybe one at a time or in groups. It's too hard for me to pick just one because we all learn from each other.

Re: [Flagmanonice] Fishing Partner from BFT - FisherMOM - 06-02-2004

Hmmm. this isn't fair! I don't know WHO I'd like to fish with.

DaveTClown seems cool.. as well as the above mentioned (Aquaman, JapanRon, Tuben2, Chief, Daniel .... and BADFISH of course!)

I know I forgot someone..... I must have....

Ok, I made up my mind.... I'd have to go with Dave!

Any pics of him are as is - Rain or shine! I will fish rain or shine too!

He likes to fish for those carp and suckers too!

Plus...ya gotta love his beard!!!! [Wink]

Re: [Flagmanonice] Fishing Partner from BFT - DrownedDesertRat - 06-10-2004

This is definitely a tough question. I have to rule out Flagmanonice since I outfished him last winter in Canada. Not bad for a beginner ice-fisherman, eh?

There's just so many choices out there. Bassmaster? Daymere? TubeN2? BADFISH? FisherMOM? Lonehunter? DaveTClown? JapanRon?

I'd love to fish with all of you. I'm tempted to give the same answer as TubeN2 but I've gotta be different.

So, here I go. Bassmaster would be a great choice since he's only a state away. He could show me the ropes with bass.

Daymere would be great to fish with just because he's so giving toward the needy.

TubeN2 cuz we can debate over doctrines while still enjoying each others company and lovin' each other as Christ loves us.

BADFISH just because he's got knowledge to share.

Lonehunter cuz he's always got some great fish stories to tell. But if I fished with him he wouldn't be a "lone" hunter at that time. I wouldn't want to ruin his streak.

JapanRon, another person with vast knowledge and experience.

DaveTClown because he's only a hop, skip, and jump away and I wanna catch the Northern that keeps getting away from him.

FisherMOM because we can learn from each other with our limited experience. Besides, she's a female that loves fishing.

After weighing all the options and using my imaginary culling system, I'm coming up with.... drum roll please....

FISHERMOM because I want to see a female bait her own hook, take the fish off by herself, and enjoy every moment of it!

Re: [DrownedDesertRat] Fishing Partner from BFT - FisherMOM - 06-10-2004

Hahaha DDR! I'm flattered!

I haven't been fishing if I don't come home with dirty, smelly hands!!

Re: [Flagmanonice] Fishing Partner from BFT - JapanRon - 06-11-2004

Hey there Flagmanonice,

ARE YOU KIDDING?! Fish with you guys and you're gonna spank me hard and send me home cryin' to my mama. Cryin' 'Mama .. them boys done caught all the fish before I even got in the water'. Now who would ask for that?

All joking aside, going out regularly on the cattleboats, I meet lots of bigfishtackle visitors and Ahem other boards mods and these guys are usually a notch above the average bear.

I'd be interested in being taken to try a type of fishing I haven't a clue about with one of you guys/teachers. Example: ice fishing.


Re: [Flagmanonice] Fishing Partner from BFT - patches - 06-12-2004

[Smile][Wink][laugh]haha hey can i pick 2??? haha well actually, if i had my pickins, i,d like to be goin with dave and lonehunter at the same time./ haha or even all of us together, that would be fun, but these 2 cause daves a good teachin dude,and fun, but lonehunter cause i could bust him, and he me. haha we,d have lots of laughs i think. ahah and thats what i like and need ahha.i wouldnt mind tryin to outfish him on trout! ahhaha then dave on his northern ahha then we,d do the frypan thing! and butter! but i really wish we could all git together and have a shindig! outin. later[Smile][Wink][cool]