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Rodents - davetclown - 06-12-2004

A stock clerk was sent to clean up a storeroom in Maui, Hawaii.
When he got back, he was complaining that the storeroom was
really filthy and that he had noticed dried mouse or
rat droppings in some areas.

A couple of days later, he started to feel like he was coming down
with a stomach flu, complained of sore joints and headaches, and
began to vomit. He went to bed and never really got up again.
Within two days he was severely ill and weak. His blood sugar count
was down to 66, and his face and eyeballs were yellow. He was
rushed to the emergency at Pali-Momi, where he was diagnosed to
be suffering from massive organ failure. He died shortly before midnight.

No one would have made the connection between his job and his death,
had it not been for a doctor who specifically asked if he had been in a
warehouse or exposed to dried rat or mouse droppings at any time. They
said there is a virus (much like the Hanta virus) that lives in dried rat and
mouse droppings. Once dried, these droppings are like dust and can easily
be breathed in or ingested if a person does not wear protective gear or
fails to wash face and hands thoroughly.

An autopsy was performed on the clerk to verify the
doctor's suspicions....

This is why it is extremely important to ALWAYS carefully rinse off
the [font "Arial"][black][size 4]tops of canned sodas or foods, and to wipe off pasta[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Arial"][black][size 4]packaging, cereal boxes, and so on.[/size][/black][/font][font "Arial"][black][size 4] Almost everything you
b uy in a supermarket was stored in a warehouse at one time or another,
and stores themselves often have rodents. Most of us remember to[/size][/black][/font] [font "Arial"][black][size 4]wash vegetables and fruits[/size][/black][/font][font "Arial"][black][size 4] but never think of[/size][/black][/font] [font "Arial"][black][size 4]boxes and cans[/size][/black][/font][font "Arial"][black][size 4].

The ugly truth is, even the most modern, upper class, super store
have rats and mice. And their warehouse most assuredly does!

Whenever you buy any canned soft drink, please make sure that you
wash the top with running water and soap or, if that is
not available, drink with a straw.

The investigation of soda cans by the Center for Disease Control in
Atlanta discovered that the tops of soda cans can be encrusted with
dried rat's urine, which is so toxic it can be lethal. Canned drinks and
other foodstuffs are stored in warehouses and containers that are usually
infested with Rodents, and then they get transported to retail outlets
without being properly cleaned.

Please forward this message to the people you care about....
[/size][/black][/font][font "Arial"][black][size 5]~I JUST DID~[/size][/black][/font]

Re: [davetclown] Rodents - fish4fish - 06-12-2004

Thanks for the heads up dave, i am going to take a whole new look at cleanliness when it comes to the cans and such that i get from the local wally world

Re: [davetclown] Rodents - patches - 06-12-2004

ya i hear ya, and really, that,s somethin that just slips the mind. ya just dont think bout it. good idea to be puttin this on. especially with kids. and there good ones fer not thinkin bout it too. or botherin. thanks dave catch ya in a week or so.s later[Smile]

Re: [davetclown] Rodents - southernman - 06-12-2004

oh yar makin me sick [crazy][unsure][Sad]


Re: [southernman] Rodents - davetclown - 06-13-2004

buddy, I worked in a wear house shipping hard wear riddled with mice.

you wanna talk about sick. I about died!!!! litteraly....

the company was shipping gloves in from tiwan and mice shipped with them caring that nasty virous...

I caught it, several others in the local geographic died from it. I didnt know the contection then or I would have turned the company in my self.... I had been deathly ill for the last month I worked there before they fired me...

body ache, high feaver, loss of mussel controll and body functions, I thought I was going to die. I did not see a doctor about it, and now that I know about it I should have been hospitolized. and placed in a test tube....

Re: [patches] Rodents - davetclown - 06-13-2004

yep this is real important this time of year to be reminded. doors are being left open, people are reopening their cabins for the summer,

I remember granny every april going through the cuboard with a bucket filled with cold soapy water with a good helping of bleach in it. I think 2-3 caps full to a gallon.

Re: [davetclown] Rodents - patches - 06-13-2004

come to think of uit i member gramp dopom it too. don,t have my glasses on so aint hittin the keys right. ahha but ya know what i mean. haha cactch ya this week sonetime. leavin in hte mornin. have fun fishin! will be thinkin of ya cayse i aint goin fishin.[Sad]haha later will when i git back though!

Re: [davetclown] Rodents - Bassmaster-ND - 06-13-2004

Thanks for the heads up Dave. I will be more carefull now[Smile]

Re: [davetclown] Rodents - tubeN2 - 06-14-2004

We run into cases like that from time to time. We just watch for a specific set of vital signs and off we go.