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Lindon Boat Harbor Crappie - Printable Version

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Lindon Boat Harbor Crappie - slayerace - 06-21-2004

Tried for Channels this morning at LBH. Fished outside the harbor with no luck. I threw my casting net inside the harbor trying for a carp for bait. My first cast netted five Crappie (subsequently released). So, I went and got a rod and put on a small jig. I experimented with several set-ups and finally found what they wanted and ended up with a limit of Crappie, one huge Bluegill and a 2.5# LMB. All in about two hours.

I weighed a big cat that a couple of teenagers had caught earlier inside the harbor. It was 14# and 33", a big female. They also had four other smaller channels on their stringer.


Re: [slayerace] Lindon Boat Harbor Crappie - TheNails - 06-21-2004

Any size to the crappie? There were plenty of them around the docks earlier this year, most around 6 to 8 inches. Congrats on the nice day of fishing. Nails

Re: [TheNails] Lindon Boat Harbor Crappie - slayerace - 06-21-2004

Threw lots of little ones back. Smallest I kept was 8" largest ones were 12". Some still had eggs, but only a few. I know they are still spawning, because I caught most of them in a foot of water, 12 inches from shore. Blew my wife away... I was catching them at my feet.


Re: [slayerace] Lindon Boat Harbor Crappie - TheNails - 06-21-2004

The ones I was catching earlier weren't ready for the spawn. Water was still too cold. It has just started to warm up enough for them to get going now. Weird spring. Anyway, thanks for the quick reply. Nails

Re: [slayerace] Lindon Boat Harbor Crappie - clebreto - 06-21-2004

What part of the harbor did you fish?