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Striper and bluefish NH - reelecstasy - 08-07-2004

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Fishing Report Week Ending August 7, 2004[/size][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]The Bluefish have entered the river in large numbers and award us [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]each day with their acrobatics and great fight. Most fish are in the [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]3-5lb range but every so often we get a larger one in the river like [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]the fish Chris caught on Wed. Stripers still predominate our catch [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]and we probably get 10 stripers to each bluefish. Offshore, the blues [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]are dominating the catch. From past records it appears the blues have [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]entered earlier this year and in greater numbers, although from what I [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]have been reading, it appears that this year and next will have large [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]populations of blues around due to the cyclical nature of things.[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]We continue to get 20-40 stripers on most trips with keepers caught[/size][/font]
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]almost every day. [/font][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I did do a trip with Nick and his father-in-law Ed last week and Ed really [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]wanted to try Stripers on the grill (he had heard how great they were to [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]eat). As our time on the water was near its conclusion I offered to take[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Ed and Nick to fish in Maine waters, which has a 20-26inch slot limit [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]where I was sure we could catch a few in our limited time that would be [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]within the Maine size limit. The only thing was, I could not go back into[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]NH waters and would have to drop Ed off in Maine and Nick could drive [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]by car and pick him up. Ed decided that was a great plan and off we went.[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Well of course our first fish in Maine was over 30inches and had to get[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]released, we did catch some Maine keepers and got another over 30 that [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]also went back in. Well Ed not only got to eat Striper that night but [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]also got to fight a few bigger fish. Sure wish Maine and NH could agree [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]on a size limit for the Piscataqua river.[/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Tight Lines Capt. Joel[/size][/font]
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