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Coudn't resist posting'em - Printable Version

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Coudn't resist posting'em - theangler - 09-22-2004

My son started racing motocross a couple of weeks ago and I coudn't resist posting some photos from his first practice sessions and his first 2 races.

He raced as X in the first race because he had not been assigned a number and in the later photos he is 155.

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[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id...rch_engine]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id...rch_engine]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id...rch_engine]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id...rch_engine]

Re: [theangler] Coudn't resist posting'em - fish4fish - 09-22-2004

Your boy looks like quite the little racer, do i see a future jeremy mcgrath in the making? humm

btw nice bike choice

Re: [fish4fish] Coudn't resist posting'em - theangler - 09-22-2004

[size 2]Thank you Tyler,
He really loves it! Its funny to see him Smile when I say its time to go "practice". I guess he has a lot of trouble calling it practice.[Smile]

Thanks again, I wish I could take credit for the bike choice but it was based solely on outside advise, good timing and a great deal. It definitely is a screamer though![/size]

Re: [theangler] Coudn't resist posting'em - fish4fish - 09-22-2004

I got one more question though does dad have a bike so he can go and "practice" with

Re: [fish4fish] Coudn't resist posting'em - theangler - 09-22-2004

LOL! It's pretty funny but I have only been on dirt bikes twice in my life. It seems I make a better pitman, sponsor and chearleader then a rider.

Re: [theangler] Coudn't resist posting'em - DrownedDesertRat - 09-22-2004

Looks like he's got himself a girlfriend that also races. Or is that his sister?

Great pics! Looks like a lot of fun!

Re: [DrownedDesertRat] Coudn't resist posting'em - theangler - 09-22-2004

LOL, DDR, That is his little riding buddy at Aztec (where he practices). He'd like to think its his girlfriend but I don't know if her Dad would?[Tongue]

Re: [theangler] Coudn't resist posting'em - fish4fish - 09-22-2004

Well thats ok, every athlete needs good support and who better then their own dad, and you make a good photographer also

Re: [theangler] Coudn't resist posting'em - Bassmaster-ND - 09-24-2004

Cool Pictures. That's good sport to be in

Re: [theangler] Coudn't resist posting'em - ocean - 09-25-2004

Wow great shots of your kid! My son wants to get a bike so bad ! He loves kawasakis![sly] I will probably get him one for his b-day.They are kinds expensive .I can get apparel and gear cheap but not the bike![pirate]He looks like a pro!