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Mexican Salsa 1 - Printable Version

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Mexican Salsa 1 - tubeN2 - 10-06-2004

Since there are so many Mexican Recipes out there, they will all be in numerical order of what was received first.
[ul] [li]2 large tomatoes, chopped [li]1/4 cup onions, chopped [li]1 clove garlic, minced [li]1/4 cup green bell pepper, seeded and chopped [li]2 Tbs. fresh cilantro, chopped [li]1 jalapeƱo pepper, seeded and chopped, add more if desired (wear rubber gloves) [li]2 Tbs. fresh lime or lemon juice[/li][/ul]
Combine all ingredients and salt and pepper to taste in a bowl and set aside 2 hours to let flavors meld.