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Season Greetings From The Original Bottle Cap Lure Company - Printable Version

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Season Greetings From The Original Bottle Cap Lure Company - BottleCapLureGuy - 11-21-2004

Hello fellow anglers. My name is Norm Price. I am also known as BottleCapLureGuy. you will notice our advertising here on BigFish site. We are a new recycling company that will be employing millions of people world wide. For over 112 years since, William Painter had invented the bottle cap. In North America alone there are over 50 billion metal bottle caps discarded each year by consumers like me and others, at fishing tournaments, trade & sports events. Alot of fisherman are even guilty of throwing these into lakes rivers and streams. I know I have. Not anymore. Lowe's in the USA and Home Hardware in Canada may start collecting bottle caps as well as retail the product. We have already decline Wal-Mart. As Ceo & Founder of the company I dont want to do business with them. I don't agree with their over seas sweat shops. I support companies who manufacture here in America. 60% of most tackle is made in Asian countries while our economy fades. Hope you understand.
Well we create employment to collect and assemble these lures. Mostly students and single parents. We have people now buying in bulk and reselling.
[Image: horbanner1.gif]
Ice fishing tip

The Bottle Cap Lures work awesome for Jigging on the Ice. 3 Time Canadian Sport Fishing Champion Andy Vander Ploeg swears by the lure. He has dominated Canada 3 years in a row by packing the lure with Berkley Power Bait or Eagle Claws new Nitro bait scent. I believe my lure is the only hard shelled lure on the market you can do that with. This is one of his untold secrets. The Bottle Cap Lure is found on any search page by typing in Bottle Cap Lure. you will find us in #1 Position. BigFish is a Huge and good resorce for fishing hope to see you around in here. [url ""][/url]

Keep a sharp hook and a tight line

God Bless

Norm Price AKA BottleCapLureGuy