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Are lakers light strikers in your area? - Printable Version

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Are lakers light strikers in your area? - TroutFishingBear - 11-30-2004

Here in colorado and parts of utah I have fished that have lake trout, I have found that they are the lightest hitting fish around, much lighter than crappie. Most hits are just added weight, especially the big fish. I have asked everybody I have ever met pretty much on the ice if their lakers hit light, and the answer is always yes. So I was extremely astonished to learn by reading in fisherman and talking to other fisherman that live in the northeast that their lakers hit extremely hard. Just wanting to know, do your lakers hit hard?

Re: [TroutFishingBear] Are lakers light strikers in your area? - tomc - 12-01-2004

in connecticut,i have had lakers hit both the dead of summer ,so light you cant imagin .in spring,fall,winter,you better hold on,they hit like mack trucks

Re: [TroutFishingBear] Are lakers light strikers in your area? - davetclown - 12-03-2004

I know that some people target lakers with tipups. I would emagin thay would have to hit pretty good to set off a tip up.

I havent realy fished for trout through the ice but once or twice. maybe this year I will target them a little more.

I dont emagin they would be much more different than thier cousin the cisco... they hit fairly well and put up a good tug. and about the same size of a pan trout.