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Peking Duck 1 - Printable Version

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Peking Duck 1 - tubeN2 - 12-02-2004

1 whole duck
3 tablespoons of honey
5 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of ginger
1 bunch chopped scallions
1 tablespoon of red food coloring
Chinese pancake
Scallion root, chopped
Cucumber slices
Hoisin sauce

Boil 4 quarts of water with honey, sugar, ginger and scallions. Soak the duck in the boiling broth until it turns orange-red. Hang duck to dry for 5 hours. Place pan of water in shelf below duck in oven. Bake in 350ºF. oven for 25 minutes or until the duck looks crispy. For crispier duck - fry the whole duck for 15 minutes. Debone and it's ready to serve. Serve deboned duck with scallion, cucumber slices and Hoisin sauce wrapped in pancake.