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Lets help Justin SMILE... - Printable Version

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Lets help Justin SMILE... - Capt_Dan_Kauai - 05-18-2001

Aloha <b>FISH FOLKS</b><br><br>I just saw this posted on the “polls” board & thought it deserves more attention…<br><br>Lets see if we could get some response over to Justin & put a <b><font color=red>SMILE</b></font color=red> on his face. [Smile]<br><br>Thanks for any responses you could give him.<br><b>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * </b><br><br><br>Can someone help me get this message out to the pros???<br><br>RE: Son w/Leukemia ‘FAN CLUB'<br><br>I hope this message gets to you, it is about my son Justin who is 13 yrs old and his battle with Leukemia. <br><br>Justin is a patient at Texas Children's Cancer Center in Houston, TX. He is battling his 2nd round with Leukemia since 1995. Originally diagnosed at the age of 7, he received 2.5 yrs. of chemotherapy and was off therapy for 2.5 yrs. We thought all was well, when he relapsed in 07/00. It was very heart breaking after all this long journey and just completing his 1st visit to the Long Term Survivor's Clinic, then we had to start all over again. <br><br>Justin has just completed radiation and is 7 months into his new chemotherapy treatments, which will last until approximately May of 2003 and then continue to see doctors until??? He was given a 95% chance to be cured in 95' and this time he was given better than 50%??? We don't know where our journey will take us this time, as we were so hopeful the 1st go around. <br><br>Justin has not had a normal life and is very Sad that he now once again is home bound from school and does not get to see his friends very often and will miss a lot of things during his teen years that other kids will get to do. He has had a rough past few months and as MOM, I am trying to brighten his days and put a Smile back on his face. Justin loves to fish and duck hunt. He loves to watch movies. He is a lego, Star Wars, Star Trek, video game, Gundam Wing and Crocodile Hunter MANIAC. He also loves music, country, pop, rock and MOM's music, actually most all music, so I am starting Justin his own 'FAN CLUB' to show him how much people do care. <br><br>If possible, could you please send him an autographed photo to add to his daily, growing collection that will be the biggest Fan Club ever. He also received a t-shirt we will have to pin on his wall because MOM forgot that tid- bit of information. Justin wears a 2XL, big guy, but tender hearted. The Smile on his face when he receives these photos is priceless and I want to continue keeping a Smile on his face. Each day that he Smiles, he is happy and I believe this will help him have a complete recovery from his cancer this time.<br><br>If you could pass the word along, through your many connections you have with many other celebrities who would be willing to help out with this JUSTIN'S FAN CLUB I would appreciate it.<br><br>Photos can be sent to: <br>Justin Young<br>296 Hightower Rd<br>DeRidder, LA 70634<br><br>Thanks, Alison-mom <br><A HREF=""></A><br><br><b>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *</b><br><br><b><font color=red>ALOHA from KAUAI Justin, `hope your Having Good Days !!!</b></font color=red><br><br>Dan<br>Stand Up!!!<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"> Stand Up Fish`N Charters Kauai Hawai </A> <br><br>[Wink]<br>

Re: Lets help Justin SMILE... - MasterJigBuilder - 05-18-2001

G'day Capt. Dan<br><br>While I don't know how active Justin is able to be at the moment I reckon we should try and "rustle up" someone in Texas to see if they can get this boy some fishing time in. Hell they have great fish off the coast, some real line burner's. Or some time on a local lake. <br><br>If he can't fish at the moment then maybe it could be planned for a bit down the track and when he's on his feet more. <br><br>Who's got some contacts down that way? This kid has had a real rough time and I think we should see what we can do? <br><br>Post your ideas ok.<br><br><br><br><br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve<br>The Master Jig Builder<br>

Re: Lets help Justin SMILE... - Capt_Dan_Kauai - 05-19-2001

I emailed Allison & got this reply back from her…<br>* * * * * * <br>Justin has 300++ photos ++ t-shirts, cd's, etc. but I haven't been able to get to his favorite sports guys-pro fisherman!!!! I appreciate all the help I can get. You can email Justin <br><A HREF=" "> </A><br>and the address is 296 Hightower Rd., DeRidder, LA 70634. Thanks, Alison, mom>><br>· * * * * * * *<br><br>Any replies to Justin would Surly be Welcomed… I might guess ANY fish Folk will do.<br><br>Steve, Great idea asking anyone closer to offer him a day on any Water…[Smile]<br>I have heard of Great fishing in some of the Lakes in those parts.<br><br>If anyone knows of ANY other kids that are in a similar situation, Please, feel free to post their email or other addy here & maybe some of us could help put SMILES on Their face too…<br><br>It’s true how Allison says Good Happy things WILL help with recovery.<br><br>[Smile] <b><font color=red>ALOHA & have a Nice DAYS</b></font color=red> [cool]<br><br>Dan<br>Stand Up!!!<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"> Stand Up Fish`N Charters Kauai Hawai </A> <br><br>[Wink]<br>

Re: We need to hear from a Texas Pro Guide - MasterJigBuilder - 05-20-2001

Yep I agree Dan<br><br>He may not even be able to take a full day so we need to hear from a Texas Pro Guide who would like to help make a real difference for this kid. <br><br>A few fish, a bit of boat time, some casting practice. What kid would not kill for that, especially if he as been as sick as this boy.<br><br>Let's have Texas Guide name here soon!<br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve<br><A HREF="" target="_new">The Master Jig Builder</A><br><br><br><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Capt_Dan_Kauai on 05/19/01 11:56 PM.</EM></FONT></P>

Re: Lets help Justin SMILE... - theangler - 05-21-2001

Aloha Capt. Dan,<br>I just wanted to let you know that we have contacted our writers, pro staff and friends at BigFishTackle.Com and anticipate some great responce for Justin, I know a couple people have been in contact with his mother already and expect many more over the next week or so. Glad you brought this to the fore front on the boards. Justin and his family will be in our prayers.<br><br>Michael Hodgdon<br>BigFishTackle.Com <br><br>

Re: Lets help Justin SMILE... - MasterJigBuilder - 05-21-2001

G'day Capt.Dan<br><br>Well I have good news. I have spoken with Michael D below who is a pro guide at lake Fork (Texas) and he tells me that "if" Justin and his Dad, or Mum, can get to Lake Fork then he will take Justin fishing. <br><br>Way to go Michael. Give this man a clap! Human Kindness can be a great thing hey?<br><br>I think Michael deserved a bit plug (and a small neon banner here at BFT somewhere) for making the time to do this. I also have put his e-mail address and website link below. Drop in and tell thanks. I know I have. <br><br>Justin's mum (Alison) should contact him their and they can talk about arrangements etc because I am not sure how far they might have to travel.<br><br>Website <A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>E-mail is<br> <br>Pro Guide :Michael Dikovitsky, aka Skeeder-D <br>Location: Lake Fork, Texas. <br><br>Ok, Alison here you go. Talk to Michael and let us know how you get on ok. <br><br>If your not too far away from the lake then I think Justin is set for some great fishing because Michael is a hot guide on the fish. <br><br><br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve - The MJB<br>BFT Lures/Baits<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

Re: Lets help Justin SMILE... - Capt_Dan_Kauai - 05-22-2001

<i>`It just goes ta Show…</i><br><br>Ya no need live Hawaii to give…<br><b><font color=red>ALOHA</b></font color=red><br><br>Thanks everyone for the response so far…[Smile]<br><br>Justin, if ya read this..<br><br><b>HI</b><br><br>I hope your doing good, <br>I believe any of the response ya get out of this Really is from the Folks Heart that it comes from.<br>Looks like ya might get a few trips out on some Waters ta wet a line.<br><br>Check with the folks that offer & I might guess they are flexible with times so pace yourself…<br>Your young, plenty time ta see what’s out there & it looks like ya just might get to <br>MEET some PRO fish Folks in Person...[cool]…<br>Can ya do us a favor & get some pictures for us too…`of you.<br><br><b><font color=red>Thanks everyone !!!<br>ALOHA<br>& take care Justin.!!!</b></font color=red><br><br>Dan<br>Stand Up!!!<br><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"> Stand Up Fish`N Charters Kauai Hawai </A> <br><br>[Wink]<br>

Re: Lets help Justin SMILE... - Capt_Dan_Kauai - 08-18-2001

Wow !!!<br>Looks like Justin is getting to meet some Famous folk..!<br><b>COOL !!!</b><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new">Here he is now</A><br><br><font color=blue><b>GooD Going Everyone.!!</b></font color=blue><br><br>[Smile] <b><font color=red>ALOHA</b></font color=red> [Wink]<br><br>Dan<br>Stand Up!!!<br><br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"> Stand Up Fish`N Charters Kauai Hawai </A> <br>[Wink]