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Eel Recipes - Printable Version

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Eel Recipes - tubeN2 - 01-19-2005

[Image: T051339A.jsm]Here is a special thread just for Eel recipes. Please feel free to add any that you may have to share with the rest of the angling community.[cool]

Re: [tubeN2] Eel Recipes - Hutch00 - 01-28-2005

Jellied Eels

900g (2lb) eels
pinch grated nutmeg
zest and juice of half a lemon
handful chervil, chopped
handful parsley, chopped
600 ml (1 pint) fish stock
1 small finely chopped onion
1 small finely chopped carrot
1 small finely chopped rib celery
bouquet garni
15g (1/2 oz) gelatine

Skin and bone the eels but do not cut them up. Lay them on the
table, skin side down and sprinkle with grated nutmeg, a little
grated lemon zest and the chopped herbs.

Cut the fish into pieces about 4 inches long. Roll up each piece
and tie with strong cotton or fine string. Put the stock, vegetables
and bouquet garni into a saucepan and bring to he boil. Add the
eels and simmer very gently until tender, for about 1/2 hour.

Lift out the fish take off the cotton or string and place the eels
in a basin. Measure the stock and make up to 450 ml (3/4 pint)
with water.

Add the gelatine to the lemon juice to dissolve the gelatine, then
add this to the hot stock. Stir until completely dissolved. Strain
this over the fish and leave to set.

Turn out when cold and serve with a green salad and sliced gherkins.
And please mind the bones!

Re: [tubeN2] Eel Recipes - Hutch00 - 01-28-2005

Matelote d'anguille a la Bourguignonne - French

1 1/2 lb eel
1 onion
1 carrot
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 bouquet garni
4 cups red wine

Skin, clean out and wash the eel. Dry with a cloth and cut into 3
inch piece., Butter a saute pan liberally and line with a layer of
thin-sliced onions and carrots. cook gently for 15-20 minutes. Add
garlic and bouquet garni, season with salt and freshly ground
pepper. Arrange the pieces of eel on top of the garnish. Add enough
wine to just cover the fish. Bring to a boil quickly, then cover
and simmer gently for 20 minutes. Remove eel, put into an earthenware
dish and strain the pan juices over it.

20 small onions
pinch salt
pinch sugar
20 button mushrooms
kneaded butter
1/4 lb butter

Peel the onions, scald and cook in 2 tablespoons butter until
golden. Season with pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar. Add
mushrooms, saute for a few seconds, pour in the liquid in which
the eels were cooked, and bring to a boil. Add the eel, simmer for
2-3 minutes and thicken with a liaison of kneaded butter. (Allow
2 tablespoons of kneaded butter for 1 cup liquid) Add it to the
sauce , half a teaspoonful at a time. Toss gently. Check seasoning,
remove from heat and add remaining butter in small pieces. Half a
teaspoon of anchovy butter may be added at the same time, if desired.

Arrange on a heated dish, garnished with watercress and fried
croutons. Serves four.