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4 counties in maryland closed to hunting - Printable Version

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4 counties in maryland closed to hunting - davetclown - 10-17-2002

4 counties in Maryland near the DC area is closed completely to hunting because of the recent sniper activity.

I understand that police are concerned for their own safety in hunting down this pervert, and are trying to limit the number of guns passing through the area.

What they don’t understand is that this makes it easer for this social delinquent to conduct his reign of on slot. The vary reason I say this is that this Sadistic moron is praying on defenseless docile sheep. If he was in an environment where he pulled a gun and fired it and every one else was able to turn around and fire back he would not take the chance.

This is exactly same thing as the Sad man of Iran is doing. He has hired a group of "hit men for hire" to run his terrorist activities and claims anonymity shooting only those who can not fight back (the unarmed) or can they prove who is behind it so that vengeances can be enacted.

To put it bluntly in both situations we are dealing with cowards.

I personally hope when they catch them they teach them a new little game, one that I like to call “sit and spin on a .222” and pull the trigger.

Forget all about the gas chamber, electric chair and poison needle.

Re: [davetclown] 4 counties in maryland closed to hunting - davetclown - 10-24-2002

snipers caught 3 am this morning

no word on the lift of hunting ban in the washington as yet.

Re: [davetclown] 4 counties in maryland closed to hunting - ssor - 10-24-2002

Just got a news flash from CNET. They have confermed the identy and links. Appropiate charges will be filed before days end!
This is a great relief to all!
The ban will be lifted after charges are filed![Smile]

Re: [davetclown] 4 counties in maryland closed to hunting - Ghost - 10-24-2002

I imagine they will reopen the closed counties only now watch all the anti-gun bills that will come pouring in[Sad] Ghost