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Sauteed Striped Bass - Printable Version

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Sauteed Striped Bass - tubeN2 - 03-01-2005

2 1 1/2-lb. striped bass, dressed, Heads and tail removed, Skinned
5 tb Butter
Salt and pepper
1/3 c Yellow cornmeal
1/3 c Flour
1 tb Vinegar
Parsley for garnish

Dredge the whole bass or fillets in a mix of cornmeal, flour, salt and pepper, and saute slowly in the melted butter over medium heat until well browned. Turn carefully with a spatula and brown the other side. When the fish has turned opaque, remove to a warm platter and garnish with parsley. Stir vinegar into the fat and "greables." Heat and pour over fish.