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War Has Been Declared!!!! - Printable Version

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War Has Been Declared!!!! - shewicker - 10-21-2002

[mad] This comes from an avid contrinuter from Port Aransas: Captain Scott Wigal - to our email.[size 2]

This past Thursday offshore Port Aransas I Declared War once again, after two years of practically no tuna and nothing for me to get my Blood Pressure up over, the Peace Treaty was lifted. I had a Husband and Wife couple from Co. and Ross the husband, an avid steel head fisherman was diagnosed with stomach cancer and his life goal was to catch a big fish and to feel the power of a big shark. The wife, Karen, had concerns of sea sickness having never been. The seas were flat calm by my standards but I could tell she felt uncomfortable in 1-2 ft rollers. I thought of bailing out short and red snapper fishing but she was a trooper and I had an uncanny feeling that something great awaited. We blacktipped out an lost a good fish, then busted toward the rocks. The first shrimper gave us plenty of cull, but no tuna. I saw one other shrimper about 2 miles off, he was just drifting and offered little promise. When I got to him, Capt. Billy threw in a half a bucket of cull and nothing, I decided to leave and when I pulled off a huge yellowfin free jumped right in front of me. I about knocked everyone overboard as I pulled the CATs back and hit the deck. FISH ON, about a 30 pound yellowfin tuna. Ross was ecstatic with joy. Billy hooked up a fish for Karen, a 22 lb. yellowfin tuna. After a few more nice yellowfin and a couple of blackfin, War was Declared. I set the hook and

All HELL broke lose. This was no ordinary fish, she was a runaway freight train. I fired up the Cat's and we started backing down, I was black smoking the most I every had backing down 1/2 throttle and never gained hardly any line. Yes we were spooled and a 2 year stint of no excitement was lifted. Ross had enough and was actually pleased the big fish had gotten away, as now he would spend the remainder of his life dreaming of the one that got away. I was very Pissed on the way home and shaken up over the words of Ross. Billy and myself now have a rejuvenated thrill and 2002 will be the year of the Yellowfin.

P.S. My father that day lost a 350 # mako just 5 miles away, the boat beside me had a big blue on that they released. Fishing Port Aransas is back.

Captain Scott Wigal[/size]

Re: [shewicker] War Has Been Declared!!!! - ssor - 10-21-2002

Thanks Sean,
It is great to hear that Capt. Scott has got the CAT's back in to the big fish again! Capt. Scott and the CAT's are a great teem for any anglers looking for a great experiance on the gulf. Sure would have liked to see the one that got away!
Thanks again for giving us the great report.[Smile]

Re: [ssor] War Has Been Declared!!!! - shewicker - 10-21-2002

[pirate] No problem!! Scott Wigal has been sending us articles and reports for around 2 years. Hey, I owe you a moderator banner. I will get that up today or tomorrow.


Re: [shewicker] War Has Been Declared!!!! - davetclown - 10-22-2002

truly a kool fish tail

i enjoyed it vary much,