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Teen Survives Attack By 600 Pound Black Marlin - Printable Version

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Teen Survives Attack By 600 Pound Black Marlin - FishNews - 07-21-2005

MSNBC- The Schultz Family was on a family holiday in Panama, fishing off the coast in the Pacific Ocean. Steven Schultz, an 18-year old teen was strapped into the fighting chair, fishing for marlin when this monster Black Marlin hit. The fish was huge at 600 pounds. He was reeling the Marlin in and as it got closer to the boat it began making dramatic leaps into the air and swam aggressively towards the boat. The young fisherman didn't have much time to react and the Marlin actually jumped into the boat and hit him directly in the face. He suffered four broken sinus bones in his cheek and lacerations to the back of his throat.

His sister Allison was also on board and video taped the entire event.

Steven’s father stated the fish turned in mid air as it was being reeled up into the boat and then came straight towards the boat. They feel the fish aggressively attacked the boat. Black Marlin are known to be an aggressive species.

The family was fishing some 100 miles south of Panama City and about two hours out by boat from the resort they were vacationing at. The family was flown from the resort to a hospital in Panama City. It is reported that the young fisherman is doing fine.

Steven starts college this fall at the University of Colorado and will have quite a fish tale to tell for years to come.

Re: [FishNews] Teen Survives Attack By 600 Pound Black Marlin - FisherMOM - 07-23-2005

He and the fish BOTH have a tale to tell! [pirate]

That's some story~ wow!

Re: [FishNews] Teen Survives Attack By 600 Pound Black Marlin - DanielJRioux - 07-23-2005

They will be showing that tape for a while!

Re: [DanielJRioux] Teen Survives Attack By 600 Pound Black Marlin - davetclown - 07-25-2005

they showed that clip here several times per news show for three days.

that beat the baricuda that jumped out of the golf to bite a woman in the stomach with out having a hook to pull it in. but with out a vidio clip it would be hard to say. tho I dont wish eather on any body...

ofcorce the ausie gal with one leg has them both beat, she wasnt fishing but was surfing when she got the missing leg chopped off by a shark...

Re: [FishNews] Teen Survives Attack By 600 Pound Black Marlin - maddawg - 02-10-2006

wow increabable

Re: [FishNews] Teen Survives Attack By 600 Pound Black Marlin - theangler - 02-10-2006

I found the clip. Its crazy:

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