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16 Species Photo Contest! - Printable Version

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16 Species Photo Contest! - davetclown - 12-08-2002

[center][Image: MESS3307CustomImage0372273.gif][/center][center]in case you cant make this out it is a clam caught on hook and line....[/center] [center]I had to cut the line to release this one lol[/center] [center]the 16 species fish contest is still up and running. A special thanks to Team Striper who left half the prize money ($100.oo gift certificate) up for grabs for a second place winner.[/center] [center][/center] [center]post your pics on this link[/center] [center]=----->[url ";sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;"][size 3][#ff0000]16 Species Photo Contest! [/#ff0000][/size][/url]<-----=[/center] [center]click and post according to the rules [/center]