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Almost time - Dryrod - 10-10-2005

[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4][cool]Almost time to get the saw out![/size][/green][/font][/center]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=12490;]

Re: [Dryrod] Almost time - Out4Trout - 10-11-2005

[cool]You use a saw for cutting through the ice? Interesting. What type do you use, chainsaw? I just use the good old 10 inch Eskimo hand ice auger (wish I had a Strikemaster Lazer 224 power auger though!).

Re: [Out4Trout] Almost time - Dryrod - 10-11-2005

[center][cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]I haven't been ice fishing since I was a very young man. We use to use a key hole saw back then. Couldn't afford anything else. Had a buck saw but don't think that it would have worked all that well.[/size][/green][/font][/center]

Re: [Dryrod] Almost time - Kraizee_Skot - 10-13-2005

[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]I use a 12 gauge shotgun.[Tongue] I saw a guy packing his gun last year, and I asked him if that was what he used. Pretty funny I thought, but he only hauled it around just in case he saw ducks or geese. On the same day I saw a guy using a freakin axe. People are just crazy![/size][/#ff4040][/font]

Re: [Out4Trout] Almost time - davetclown - 10-14-2005

the pike spearers have been using chain saws here for nearly 35 years. it is a site to see them pull out that gigantic block of ice in one peice.

Re: [Dryrod] Almost time - Snags_Alot - 10-15-2005

[Sad] It is a Sad day in my neck o' the woods..regular fishing season has ended today.......

.........So bring on the Hard Water [Smile]

Re: [Dryrod] Almost time - davetclown - 10-25-2005

New England is facing a foot of snow today and tonight.....

think it might ice soon [angelic] I am getting the urg to walk on water...

Re: [Dryrod] Almost time - Snags_Alot - 10-29-2005

[cool] Just received my "Ugly Stix Ice" fishing rod today from ebay....

Bring On Hard Water!

Re: [Snags_Alot] Almost time - davetclown - 10-29-2005

well did you fill a five gallon bucket full of water and throw on a jig to test it out?

Dose it meet up to your expectations?

Re: [davetclown] Almost time - Snags_Alot - 10-30-2005

[Smile]Sure Did!......Here fishy fishy fishy?

Re: [davetclown] Almost time - Snags_Alot - 11-03-2005

[Smile] Oh Boy.....the bucket I used to test out my new rod..had a film

of ice on the top of it this morning

Re: [Snags_Alot] Almost time - Fishhound - 11-03-2005

Oh stop it ! It's bad enough when I do this on my own(like I need anymore help). Our weather is starting to turn as well - but it will be a few more weeks before ice is here. So I still have time to get my stuff together and convert from the soft water to the hard.

BTW - what kind of ugly stick did you get ? I've been looking at the new ones for a while but haven't gotten one yet. Those Ugly cat sticks look real nice. I also like those Ugly lite sticks.

Re: [Fishhound] Almost time - Snags_Alot - 11-03-2005

[Smile] 26" Ugly Stix Ice Spinning Rod

Re: [Snags_Alot] Almost time - davetclown - 11-03-2005

70+ degrese here today, boat still full of water from last weeks rain, maybe I will bail it out tomarow and tip it upside down tomarow in hopes of more climate weather....

I think tho it may be a couple more months here before I start seeing stiff waters.....

Re: [Dryrod] Almost time - davetclown - 11-16-2005

well I reluctantly pulled out my summer box and did the general house cleaning, tightning jars pulling out the rats nest of knotted line, pulling off the rusted hooks from my lures.

I got around to turning my boat upside down, and not a moment to soon might I add, we got a masive thunderstorm for opening day of deer season.... tomarow we are suspost to have more rain, no wrod about any more kaboomers, I just stepped out side to put the tackle box debre in the can the temp is about 70 at midnight.

I went by the store to look at a larger box for ice fishing, now that I have a ride I can cary a couple more tools with me. Why I dont realy know, but I just gotta have them.... I dont even know what thay are yet....[angelic]