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Happy Holidays - Printable Version

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Happy Holidays - Coldfooter - 11-24-2005

Theres wishing all of you hardtop two steppers Happy Holidays and a safe and sane Ice Fishing season!

Best of luck all!!

Re: [Coldfooter] Happy Holidays - davetclown - 11-24-2005

many happy returns to you and your family and every one on the ice this season..

I got a little excited today when I saw hawk lake froze over this morning. (it is only a ten acer pond)

Re: [Coldfooter] Happy Holidays - fuzzyfisher - 11-25-2005


hey Don safe and sane ice season? man are you trying to take all the fun out of getting on the ice?

we all have to be just a little insane to be on the ice any way!

Re: [fuzzyfisher] Happy Holidays - Coldfooter - 11-25-2005

No,lol, I'm just trying to stop the spread of our insanity![laugh]

Re: [Coldfooter] Happy Holidays - Coldfooter - 11-25-2005

LOL, well 10 aches or not, its ice! You flat landers will just have to wait I suppose.. Btw,, just so you know, we'll be getting a storm starting later today so keep your fingers crossed and hopes up for more [blue]COLD in a couple days.[Wink]