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"The Ladders" - Printable Version

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"The Ladders" - BryanE - 01-02-2003

I need to know if anybody has fished the ice at the Ladders within the last few days, and how the ice conditions are, We are planning a little get together there for Saturday, and if there is not safe ice we will need to move the little party. thanks for any recent updates. Bryan

Re: [BryanE] "The Ladders" - road - 01-02-2003

Bryan I am going up that way tomorrow I will check them out and post it here. Can't wait to soak a hook again!

Re: [BryanE] "The Ladders" - Fish-Dog - 01-02-2003

The ice in the ladders area is from thin to 7". New Years day there were about 15 groups of people there. There are several wet areas that looked thin and had slush on top. I don't know how thick the ice was there because everyone walked around them. There was about 5" to 8" of soft fresh snow on the ice. It made hard pulling for my shack.

Fishing was typical strawberry, hit & miss. I only saw one group that seemed to be catching many fish they were about 200 yards west and 150 yards south of the ladders, fishing in 14 feet of water. They had several nice rainbows and lost quite a few.

This wasn't one of my best days, only saw two fish on the finder and no bites. The group that was having luck were using small chartreuse jigs and meal worms. I was using a lot of differant jigs and colors tipped with night crawler or wax worm.

good luck


Re: [BryanE] "The Ladders" - HFT - 01-02-2003

As I passed by ladders yesterday ther were alt of people at the ladders.You will have no problem.
Fish Dog
Chartreuse or white. Foxee's,whatta cricket,or 2-1/2"skinny tubes. All on 1/16th oz heads.

Re: [HFT] "The Ladders" - Fishesalot - 01-02-2003

All you fellas headed for the Berry should be sure and check the "new" regs. on that pond. I saw a CO writing tickets as fast as his hand could move...Fish On

Re: [Fishesalot] "The Ladders" - Kent - 01-02-2003

Personally, I hope that they keep issuing the tickets until people learn to follow the fishing laws. It doesn't help to strengthen the fishing laws if people aren't going to follow them.


Re: [kentofnsl] "The Ladders" - HOOSIER - 01-02-2003

I totally agree and am glad they had the CO out there. Hopefully these new regs will help strawberry live up to its potential.


Re: [BryanE] "The Ladders" - road - 01-02-2003

Drove up there after fishing Deer Creek for a few hours this morning. Ice at the ladders is currrently between 3 and 6 inches depending on where you go. So becareful as thin ice can ruin your day. The new regs have been needed for a long time at the Berry. I hope for very strict enforcement this year. They should also consider limiting the number of fishermen on the lake at any given time. By reducing the pressure maybe they could improve the fishing. And bring the Lake back to what it was in it's prime. Still looking for that 15 pound Bow from the Berry.

Re: [road] "The Ladders" - BryanE - 01-02-2003

[Wink] You can tell by the "Greenhorn" title under my name that I am new to this forum (thanks to kentofnsl)and I just want to thank you for the replies. Our group is from a different internet forum called "Utah Fish Talk" and I believe we all have the same goals you are espousing here. We all want to improve Strawberry as a fishery for now and in the future. Again, thank you all so much for your help.

Re: [Fishesalot] "The Ladders" - Xman - 01-03-2003

amen, that is the first story of new regulations being enforced. i wish they would do this on alot more bodies of waters and rivers as well.

Re: [road] "The Ladders" - HFT - 01-03-2003

Be carful what you wish for road you might be the fisherman that gets there right after the limit is up.

Re: [HFT] "The Ladders" - road - 01-03-2003

Hey I might resemble that remark LOL! I have been checked more times at the Berry than you can imagine. Heck I'm on 1st name basis with half the wardens now. Partly because I shore fish and I usually catch a lot of fish, partly because I go there a lot.

But the new regs are what I have done for years at the Berry. I seldom keep more than one and always on the smaller size of things. If they limit the number of fishermen and I loose out once in awhile I can live with that. I can remember when the average fish at Strawberry was in excess of 3 pounds and catching 7 to 10 pounders was not uncommom. Now catching 3 pounders is considered a good fish!

I logged aprox. 150 hours on the Berry this last year. No matter how you look at it, that's a lot of time fishing. Yes i caught some nice fish, a few 5 pounders, a 7 pounder, even one close to 11 pounds. But i worked for those fish and let them all go to be caught another day. But the average fish is around 2 pounds and the potential of that fishery is so much more!! My youngest son wasn't believing that Strawberry can grow great fish. That was until he he saw that 11 pound cutt drag line off my reel and the 30 minute battle that followed. I have since upped the line weight and set the drag a bit tighter. That fish was so wore out by the time I got him in that I thought he might not make it. It was ten minutes of me standing in the cold water working him back and forth before he could swim away on his own. those are the type of fish that the Berry is capeable of and as fishermen we should not *settle* for less.

Climbing off his soapbox, putting away his megaphone, and waiting for the RAC meeting. Sorry for the rant guys and gals.

Re: [road] "The Ladders" - HFT - 01-03-2003

I hear ya!
Lets hope the new regs increase the numbers and size up there. It just scares me to here limits on fisherman. I know I'll be that lousy fisherman that traveled 2 hours to be turned away because of a quota and I have not kept a fish at strawberry in 7 years.

Re: [HFT] "The Ladders" - fishin4fun - 01-03-2003

[unsure] I hear you all! It's about time they put restrictions on the Berry. I personally think they should just simply it. 1 under 20, 1 over 20. Done deal. It cracks me up how they have to go the extra mile to make regs wacko in Utah. Have any of you seen the 03 hunting regs yet? Feel like you need a BS degree to figure out the Limited Entry crap.

Re: [fishin4fun] "The Ladders" - davetclown - 01-04-2003

I havent fished in the beutifull state of Utah, but if the anglers there are any thing like the ones here in michigan, they are out on the first day of the season fishing with last years license.

every year it is the same old story, and the same old excuse (duhhhh I didnt know it was a a new season and I had to have a new license.)[crazy]