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Bear Lake ... 12-8-05 - Printable Version

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Bear Lake ... 12-8-05 - Old_Coot - 12-09-2005

[size 2][font "Comic Sans MS"]Bait_Caster and I made a trip to Bear Lake today. I got out of bed today at 3:00 AM hopping to be on the water at 6:00. It was more like 8:00 before our lines were in the water. The plan was to fish for whites until about 7 and then hit the rock pile for macks. Since we got on the water so late we skipped white fishing and headed right for the pile.

Coming through the canyon, my truck thermometer said -33 degrees coming through the sinks. Makes a guy wonder if he has the right stuff to fish on a day like this. But luckily it was much warmer at Bear Lake … a nice +5 degrees when we launched.

BearLakeFishGuy stopped buy to say hi at the ramp. Always good to see Scott at Bear Lake.

There were a couple of inches of new snow on the ramp but the marina was pretty much open with the exception of some small floating icebergs. They are plowing the ramp but it is still plenty slick. Some ice melt that I brought along came in handy for a guy stuck trying to pull his boat out after it wouldn't start.

The ride out to the rock pile was in big waves and visibility was about 100 yards with lots of snow falling. Thank goodness for GPS. I often wonder how the old timers got around without today's fancy electronics.

Surface water temps ranged from 38 to 40. BC's AquaView registered the bottom temps at about 35.

Found some fish in about 50 feet of water and anchored up. Rough water made jigging difficult. Then for about an hour, the wind stopped and the sun came through. During that hour we boated 3 cuts and had several hits that we missed. Seemed to be plenty of fish traffic at that spot. I hooked up on a nice mack but when I set the hook the second time, my 17 lb leader broke. BC said I set the hook with WAY too much passion. Personally, I prefer to blame the knot and plan to consider using a different knot in the future.

Then the bite slowed way down, a snow and breeze storm over took us and once again the waves made jigging difficult. We decided to call it a day early and head in. Because of the big water, it took a whole hour to get from the rock pile back to the marina … all in a day's fishing at Bear Lake.

The truck pulled the boat up out of the water with only a small bit of spinning. Chains, if I had any, would remove all worry.

If I were rich and retired, I'd make that long run to Bear Lake twice a week this time of year. I love it. Especially with company like BC.

Re: [Old_Coot] Bear Lake ... 12-8-05 - Hellsangler69 - 12-09-2005

Thanks for the report . You are a die hard for sure and to fight the waves in that cold wind . I work out in the weather 5 days a week rain or shine and I think it is cold enough out here lately . Weather is trying to cap all the waters in Utah before christmas I believe , so enjoy while you can . At least the wave action wont be a problem with ice . [cool]

Re: [Old_Coot] Bear Lake ... 12-8-05 - AFDan52 - 12-09-2005

[font "Arial Black"][red][size 3] I have got to say, Old Coot and Baitcaster. You guys are my heros, to go out and brave the weather today like you did. great report[/size][/red][/font]
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[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3]AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]

Re: [Old_Coot] Bear Lake ... 12-8-05 - Bait_Caster - 12-09-2005

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#0000bf][size 3]Yes it was great to hit Big Blue with ya today Old Coot: Defitnetly slightly on the cool side as we passed the sinks area at -33, I for one was intreaged by the temp change at the marina, I was expecting a -5 at least, Still plenty cold to be face into the wind as we headed to the Rock Pile, via boat:[/size][/#0000bf][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#0000bf][size 3] I was glad to see "skunk-off" this time, for the both of us, It felt good to set the hook and feel the poll bend: By the way Coot, couple of nice cuts you landed.[/size][/#0000bf][/font]
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[inline OC_2_Nice_Cutts_12-08-05.jpg]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][blue][size 3] As you can tell, this was the best the weather got all day, soon after it went way down hill !! Tough going at best, thanks to gps and some carefull nav work by Coot, we finely made it to the marina. I would of liked to known the wind chill factor with heavy ice cristals (snow) falling, wind in our face, and whitecaps head on for over an hour, As Coot and I slowly made our way back from the rock pile? Man us guys must love to fish: [/size][/blue][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#0000ff][size 3] Coot I'd a liked to see ya boat that Mack today, no dought it was a Big 'ol Boy. He's there for the next time. He He [Smile][/size][/#0000ff][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#0000ff][size 3] Coot if I was rich, and retired, I'd make the trip up there, with ya, the other two day's a week, thats 4 days a week, were on the pond, the other 3 days we'ed be re-rigging, and telling fish stories! Thanks Coot for a good day on the pond, Lets do it again: Your Great.[/size][/#0000ff][/font]
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Re: [Bait_Caster] Bear Lake ... 12-8-05 - bodine11 - 12-09-2005

It's great you guys had a good time and caught some fish. I just hope the marina holds off freezing I'd like to go a few more times myself. It was -18 in Paris this morning at 6:30 when I got home from work. The wife just called and said it is -19 now. Brrrrrr


Re: [Old_Coot] Bear Lake ... 12-8-05 - Theekillerbee - 12-09-2005

Thanks for the report Ralph...but dang it looks COLD! I wouldn't be surprised to see the Bear get a cap this year.

Re: [Bait_Caster] Bear Lake ... 12-8-05 - sliverslinger - 12-09-2005

Hea, great to hear that you guys made it out! I know that it has been cold, just a few days ago channel 2 reported -52 deg at the sinks!!! It was -16 below passing Park City yesterday when I was dropping guys off to work. Ya got to love this cold weather fishin'! Jake

Re: [Bait_Caster] Bear Lake ... 12-8-05 - BearLakeFishGuy - 12-10-2005

Hi Coot and BC,
Good to see you guys! I was wondering how you did. It looked like you were re-launching at around 3:30pm?? Or were you just pulling out? Anyway, glad to see you got into some fish. We have got to hook up and go out for those whitefish together sometime. I've got to go guide my wife on a cow elk hunt tomorrow (Sat.) morning or I'd be fishing again. If we can't get into the elk then maybe I'll head home and grab the boat. Those whitefish are sure good eating. Cheers.

Re: [Old_Coot] Bear Lake ... 12-8-05 - BearLakeMack - 12-10-2005

[font "Comic Sans MS"]I hooked up on a nice mack but when I set the hook the second time, my 17 lb leader broke. BC said I set the hook with WAY too much passion. Personally, I prefer to blame the knot and plan to consider using a different knot in the future. [/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Hey, Coot! Fluorocarbons are notorious for having "knot problems". You may be wise to explore other knots. Clinching knots have a tendency to cross over themselves and will actually cut itself. Also fluoros need to be "lubed" with siliva or water when tightening because they are susceptible to friction when tightening them up. [/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]TD posted a three loop knot a while back that may be worth exploring. I was using P-line fluoroclear as leaderfor a while and had a tough time getting good knots in it. He showed me this knot and it worked great. I've since switched to different lines and being a creature of habit, still use my same old knots but his knot looked like a good one.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I seriously doubt you set hooks with as much passion as you'd like to think. Go tie your line to a stationary object, let some line out, stand back, and "set the hook" as hard as you can. If your terminal connections are good you can't break it. No way.[/size][/black][/font]

Re: [Old_Coot] Bear Lake ... 12-8-05 - mikeyt - 12-11-2005

Hey Old Coot! Sounds like a fun but COLD day on the water. That's a nice looking Cut. We'll have to make it up there and chase the macs one of these weekends! [Smile]

Re: [Old_Coot] Bear Lake ... 12-8-05 - Dr.Flinn - 12-12-2005

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]HEY I’m jealous ! Looks like you guys had a great time. I think all that rough weather adds to the fun. I can’t wait to get back out there.[/size][/black][/font]