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Larry the cable guy - Printable Version

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Larry the cable guy - gdn443 - 03-28-2006

I just saw the show that I taped from Sunday.It is by far one of his best. If you haven't seen it, look on comedy cental and see when it's on next. You must be a red neck to enjoy. AWESOME!!!! Lets hear what you think.

Re: [gdn443] Larry the cable guy - Tarpon4me - 03-30-2006

The old lady and I went to see that larry the cable guy movie, and it honestly wasn't that good. Don't waste your money on the movie, stick to the comedy central shows.

Re: [Tarpon4me] Larry the cable guy - aku94 - 03-30-2006

Ya know, they've got a movie comin' out too[Wink]

Re: [gdn443] Larry the cable guy - Flagmanonice - 04-19-2006

[Tongue] I saw him in person , and I did'nt know if I was going to pass out , or pee my pants I was laughing so hard , but its not a show for kids !!! LOL !!!!
