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[font "Arial"][size 2]For the Amateur of real Discovery and Exotic fishing experince we discovered a new destination in Central America. [/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]My pleasure[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2] to share with reader our experience upon tarpon, snook, Rainbow bass fishing in the Remote area of Rio San Juan, border river between Nicaragua and Costa Rica. [/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]River is 120 miles long, start in Nicaragua Lake , river is the only comunication of the lake with the sea.( Caribean ) . Lake ( Very big l!!!, at my Knowledge rated number 7in the World for its size) is known for the incredible quantity of Salt water fish around: Tarpon, Saw fish, Shark, Snook... and also Fresh water fish as Rainbow bass, Mojara, Gar, Machaca...An incredible mixt as we are in fresh water 120 miles from sea???? [/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]TARPON. We observe all year round an Incredible quantity of Tarpon I will say of all size, going up and down river...Usual catch are 90lb till 200lb ... Some migrate... some stay around... and become very very big. Due to tanin in the water these fish are diferent colour than the conventional Silver King. The bigest are almost Black on the back and some golden on the side...This will sound absolutely Incredible for many but it is absolutely tru we released fish estimated close to 300lb. [/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]We fish quiet Jungle River..There is no big waves here, no hard Bara to pass we always fish in quiet fresh water... [/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]We generally fish trolling then casting once we locate the active fish...I mostly use Rapala Lures also dead or live bait...all depend... For beginer Tarpon anglers we use maximum 30lb lines...[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]Specific conditions and Guides knowledge alow Expert anglers to fish with very light tackle...12lb, 10lbs this is strong inoff whatever the size of fish. Fly fishing is also available in specific area...We then use number 12, 13, 14...these heavy equipment are necessary due to size of fish. Many time we have been beaten IGFA world record here... 12lb, 8lbs Men Women Junior...Reason why these record are not oficial is than we do not want to kill fish ..witch would be a must with actual IGFA rules. A 200lb tarpon is 25 years old would be a real pity to kill such an animal. [/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]Calculated on 4 years, our average day for tarpon fishing is 10 bites...6 fish jumped, two/ three to the boat. At my knowledge this situation of top Tarpon fishing all year round is Unique in the world, there is no real best time in the year to come...Tarpon are present all year round...[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]RAINBOW BASS (Panachronis Dovii ) is a very stong fish, very violent on atack..a lot of fun. We go for them at Solentiname Archipelago on Nicaragua Lake..., 20 mn away from our actual lodge. World record for this fish 14lbs is in Nicaragua...We fish as well Conventional or Fly...Usual size of fish we catch is between 5lb till 10lb , We like to fish on light tackle but 8lb is to be consider as a minimum. When we go for these fish we also catch incredible quantity of Conventional Bass, and Mojara..[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]SNOOK are sometime caught in Solentiname archipelago , but mostly down river in the area of Sabalo , El Castillo. Two kind are present here, the Calva...up to 6/7lb and them the big Cola Amarilla...we report fish estimated close or bigger than 50lb lost to the boat, so far our bigest weighed snook is 42 lb. .[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]Considering lodging in San Juan river and Solentiname there is a lot of Recent Changes a few years ago there were absolutely nothing. Now apart from my Guest house located in front of San Carlos, several nice hotel built on River and Lake shore are open In Mancaron, Saballo, El Castillo , we also go depend where best fishing is when Visitors come.. all these places offer , confortable lodging and good meals...[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]Apart from fishing the area offer fantastic discovery for Nature lovers: Virgin Jungle life , Bird watching, Historical site..... ...Very important in my mind: Local people are very very friendly with the still few tourist coming...[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]My trips are obviously diferent than the usual Fishing lodge vacation style ...they are made of a mixt of Top fishing, Tropical Jungle life, History, Discovery, Exploration and very important integration in the local life...We eat on the river banks at Rancho or home of friends...etc etc.. One of my guest told me than to discribe my trip I should say Why only fish when you can have much more... Nicaragua did change a lot since 10 years and became a safe and quiet country where there is a lot of Foreign investmenet...Country start to open to tourism...[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]Area can be reach From San Jose Costa Rica with a 5 hours car Transfer... Faster and easier from Managua with a 50mn flight over the lake to the town of San Carlos. If Visitor wish we meet them at International airport of San Jose or Managua on arival.[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]Area is almost virgin, there is still very few Tourism here.. Meanwhile my trips have been described in famous magazine as SPORT FISHING MAGAZINE [font "Century Gothic"][/font], FIELD AND STREAM [url ""][/url][/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2] , VOYAGES DE PECHE [url ""][/url] , LA PESCA... [url ""][/url] Etc... [/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]In Coming September a show filmed here with us in last March will apear on DISCOVERY CHANEL THE FISHING AMBASSADOR, also a show on ALBERTA TV...[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]For interested readers there is a lot of Informations on my Web pages ENGLISH [url ""][/url], FRANCAIS [url ""][/url], ESPANOL [url ""][/url][/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2][/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2]My E mail is [url ""][font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font][/url] Also glad to talk with you on the phone..I answer at 00 (506) 842 76 73 and 00 (505) 658 20 16[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]Philippe Tisseaux. [/size][/font]