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salt water fishing in R.I - Printable Version

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salt water fishing in R.I - mikepeter451 - 07-15-2006

[ul][li]Fished on 7/08/2006 [li]Report received: 7/10/2006[/li][/ul]
Water Temperature: mid 60s
Water Clarity: cloudy
Seas: calm
Weather: clear and sunny, wind appro 5-7 mph
Fishing_for: striper/blues
Boat: White Ghost
captain: Justin

the day started off slow and rapidly changed from there. first hookups were a bit of work with my 6 year old boating here first blu fish approx 35 min. into the day. the next hookup was her first striper at a lenth of 24 inches.
we than continued behind prudence island an started to troll thats when it got interesting, we eventualy ended up on a favorite rock of our guide and the fishing became intense, with the big boy of the day being a 38 1/2 inches and 21 pound striper. the day ended playing with a bunck of 10 to 15 inch scupp.