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Triggers - Printable Version

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Triggers - TubeDude - 01-13-2007

[cool][#0000ff]As promised, here is an abridged (Readers Digest Version) of something I have been working on for several years. It is about what makes fish bite. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Knowing what helps stimulate fish to take your bait or lure, and being able to serve them up what they want, is key to angling success. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]On this board we work a lot on types of lures, colors, materials, etc. However, there is so much more that goes into catching fish, that we need to factor in all the other thngs too, if we hope to catch fish on our own creations.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hope you like it.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Triggers - bdn06 - 01-13-2007

Woot! Finally, now I can put away my sleeping bag and quit sleeping in front of the computer--I thought this would never arrive! [Wink]

Thanks, TD. Very cool of you to post it here, and share your hard-earned secrets. You must simply be living off the interest in your karmic bank account by now [Tongue] That's right, word is out, you're a nice guy. Deny it all you want, but we KNOW.

Re: [bdn06] Triggers - TubeDude - 01-13-2007

[cool][#0000ff]Watch it, bucko. You start sayin' nice things about me and I'll sue ya for slander.[/#0000ff]

Re: [TubeDude] Triggers - Flycasting - 01-13-2007

Great stuff Pat. You and I have discussed almost all of this stuff, but I am now going to try and get it stuck into this thick skull of mine. [Tongue]

Re: [TubeDude] Triggers - bdn06 - 01-15-2007

Great read, TD. Interesting about the moon AND barometer. I have had experiences with both. I suppose the thing to do, as you mention, is try to gather as much info. about each species and the set of triggers you have outlined. That's awesome. Very algorhythmic way of approaching it--I like that! [cool]