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americans? - lonehunter - 02-26-2003

i was told at work today that some americans are protesting in the possibly upcomming , military action zone , sitting in at key points of what would be presumed first strike targets .

once it is decided to declare action against this other country , what do we do with or for these protesters ?

to protest is a right we have here in america , they have volentarily left our borders and gone into the line of fire . they are attempting to undermine a u.s. military action . they are also willing to risk there lives for a principal they belive in . will they be putting the lives of our service men and women at risk if military plans have to be altered ?

heros or traitors , what do you think.

Re: [lonehunter] americans? - Curtisfish - 02-27-2003

I think I understand what they are trying to do and say. I don't agree with them. But they have a right to do what they are doing and say what they are saying without persecution or prosecution. If we tried to deny them that, we would be trying to deny that any of us are Americans or retain the rights that have been fought for so valiantly.

With that said; If they want to chain themselves to military targets, they become military targets by thier own choice and thier own rights as Americans. Not trators nor heros. That's my opinion anyway.

Re: [Curtisfish] americans? - lonehunter - 02-27-2003

very well said . they are americans . but what kind , misguided ?

my feeling is they are just protestin the word "war " and have not concidered what is actually at stake here .

they are there ," protecting" a country who's leader laughed and cheered at the september 11 th attacks ,he declared a day of celibration on that day . a leader who in all reality has funded such groups who led the attack , and will promote more attacks like it . he and others like him in power today instruct there people to hate all americans ( north korea has also stated this publicly ).

i don't always agree with my governments decisions , i have neices and nephews ,a brother in law and sister in law in the millitary who are deployed , two who just became parents , the thought of war is not appealing to me either ,but to side with this leader , and defend the targeted areas by there presence , to hamper our militarys efforts to rid the world of people in power like this , they could only have one name by me . i feel they gave up there right to be an american when they decided to protect the other side . thats just my opinion . i guess that is one trait we have as americans , we can agree that we disagree sometimes , i do admire there level of conviction to deturing a war , but i think they picked the wrong way of doing it .

Re: [lonehunter] americans? - Curtisfish - 02-28-2003

Words well placed. I agree with you. He needs to be out of power. I'm not entirely sure it's "our" job to do so, but I guess as long as he has to go, it might as well be the most powerful military force on the planet to kick his @$$.

His past actions should have shown these people that he has no concern for human life. American or Iraqi (spelling?). He has gassed his own people and welcomed all hostility towards Americans anywhere in the world. Do these people think that they will live long enough in Iraq to interfere? Do they honestly believe that Saddam would even consider sparing their lives or protecting them himself?

We have both been here long enough to see people protesting just to protest. Always looking to be offended by something or someone. They follow each other as blindly as lemmings over the cliff. Always looking for a symbol to look to. I agree with George Carlin on this one. "I'll leave symbols to the symbol minded".

I can't bring myself to consider them traitors, but they do come pretty close. They are after all, protecting the "other side". As far as admiring the level of commitment that they are showing; they've got a lot more b###s than I do. They are putting their lives where their mouths are. You have to give them credit for that. Even if I believe that they are wrong (hopefully not dead wrong) in their decision to protect a man that would sooner watch them executed as speak to them. I'm sure he thinks this is great fun. He gets the best protection that America has to offer and doesn't have to lose a single member of his army in the process. I'll bet he is laughing hysterically at these idiots.

Re: [Curtisfish] americans? - lonehunter - 02-28-2003

again , very well said , very well indeed ! thank you ! your pal , lonehunter .

Re: [lonehunter] americans? - AFDan52 - 02-28-2003

[mad] People like that really piss me off, most have probably never served in the Armed Forces and have no idea what is really going on. I myself served in the U.S.Air Force for 4 years and saw some action. If asked to do it again I would do it proudly. Some people have no sense of reality.

Guys like Saddam need to be removed and replaced. They kill their own people and think nothing of it, and they use the most deadly things that they can get their hands on. Now he has missles that he won't destroy, What is it that they are trying to prove. I just don't understand, Sorry for the outburst I get very Angry about things like this.


Re: [AFDan52] americans? - lonehunter - 02-28-2003

what do you feel should be done with tthese people , if they somehow come out of this thing unharmed ?

i myself find i am one sided on this issue , but then i thought back to the days of the kent state university tragity , and how i felt back then . have i changed so much ? some of thoes young adults gave there lives in the name of peace . i also think of the chinese student that stood up to the tank in the square , that took guts .

put this s.w. detroit boy and Sadam in a closed room and the last words he's ever gonna hear on this world is "let's rock"!

i have quite a few family members that have been deployed , so to protect my own i could drop one on the target , but if one of my kids was down there could i make the same choise ? or look for another solution ?

we gave this guy a free ride last time , would you want to sacrifise some american lives knowing our government would probbably let him have another one ? my feelings is they made there free choise , it's not like our government forced them do it ,

how about thoes french , meooow !

Re: [lonehunter] americans? - AFDan52 - 02-28-2003

[unsure] I think that I unerstand what they are trying to do and what they are trying to say as Cutisfish has previously said and I agree that they have a right to express their feelings without being persecuted. [left] I too have family members that are deployed and I do not want to see or hear that anything has happened to them, but they chose the life that they have and support it Proudly as I would.Maybe I'm the one the that does not understand what is happening in the world.[/left] [left] Lonehunter I think you may have hit the nail on the head with your comment about protesting the word "WAR". I don't think that these folks understand what is really happening here. Watching a war on TV and actually seeing it happen all around you is a whole new experiance in reality.[/left] [left] Anyway we all have our opinions as to what is going on and what should happen and how we would handle things ourselves,as for our Troops that are already over there and in place. God bless and help them all.[/left] [left] Thanks for letting me say my piece, [/left] [left] AFDan52[/left]
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