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Headband magnifiers - Printable Version

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Headband magnifiers - Dryrod - 01-25-2007

[center][cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]I'm due for a new headband magnifier. There are quite a few available on the market. Prices also vary depending upon the given supplier. What have you found that works well for you? I need a 3X lense. [/size][/green][/font]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=21166;][/center]

Re: [Dryrod] Headband magnifiers - Scruffy_Fly - 01-25-2007

I a set like the ones in the bottom picture. They work just fine. 4 power lens. I use them a sometimes. Other times I use a ring light with a flourecent bulb. Even when I am using the headband magnifier I need a strong light so a lot of the times I have the ring light on also or I have a seperate halogen lamp setup.

I suspect that the lights on the ones on the top would be inadequate for what you will want. I want a lot of light on the fly even when I am not looking through a lens.

Trying them on for a little while might give you an indication how comfortable they are on your head.

If you are only going to tie down to a size 14 or 16 I would say that you might be more comfortable with a large diameter ring light.

Re: [Dryrod] Headband magnifiers - flygoddess - 01-25-2007

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 2]I had a pair like the top picture. Bought them for trip tyings. They worked great, but I ended up giving them to my father so he can read (legally blind)
I use like Scruffy, a halogen lamp and a magnifier now. On a goose neck so easy to transport, except the base is bulky, but I adapted the magnifier to fit my bench with out the base.
I also have one of those cap magnifiers with a little clip on LED light. That works the best for me right now on road trips. Very small and I can leave it on my cap during the day. The lamp is about the size of a quarter.
I also have a ZIPKA for more light if need be.[/size][/black][/font]

Re: [Scruffy_Fly] Headband magnifiers - Dryrod - 01-26-2007

[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]I actually wasn't considering a headband with side lights. Like you all I have a halogen desk lamp which is more than ample. I'm prone to the optivisor headband.[/size][/green][/font]